Boston is a very special place. After all, where else in this country would have 11th graders coming to school on a party bus with stripper poles? But for all their strangeness, the odd-talking people of Boston can be remarkably endearing. Take for example, this recent video aptly titled “Drunk Boston Guys Play with Seals at the Aquarium at 2 A.M.”
The video has a hot start. Through a thick Boston accent, the OP says, “Alright, we’re here in New England Aquarium. Me and Dinky are wondering if sea otters or sea lions, or whatever the fuck these things are, are nocturnal or not.”
What follows is a full minute of two drunk dudes being absolutely fascinated by a seal, saying such wonderful quips as, “Tell me that’s not the cutest little fucking thing you’ve ever seen in your life,” and “That’s how friendships are made.”
Given that the New England Aquarium has an outdoor area in which one can see the seals, they duo didn’t exactly break into the aquarium — and they’re more than likely not the first drunk Bostonians to try to mess with the seals. Regardless, their sense of childlike wonder in the video is infectious, something numerous commenters were sure to point out.
“Seals love the late night long wharf crowd,” wrote a user.
“Boston at its finest,” added another.
“If you not rockin out with the seals you not valid,” stated a third.
If anything, the power of this video shows an untapped market for future zoos. If you thought you liked the zoo before, how about cracking open a couple White Claws with a rockhopper penguin? Drinking Bloody Marys with the vampire bats? The possibilities really are endless.