TikTok has been around for long enough that avid users have developed their own sort of language — sounds and songs that you immediately associate with certain trends or types of videos that wouldn’t make sense to anyone not familiar with the TikTok ecosystem.

One recent example involves South African singer Tyla’s song “Water,” which has been trending on the app for several months. In her live performances of the song, Tyla, while dancing, will often pour a bottle of water down her back. She even did the move in her debut TV performance, to the loud cheers of the crowd.

The song is catchy, and the moves are fire (or water, technically). For many women, the videos are also an opportunity to catch their partners slipping. A recent trend saw countless women record themselves and their partners as the song was playing, trying to catch their boyfriends looking at the screen, which would suggest they’ve seen the videos of Tyla dancing and are hoping to see another one.

Essentially, it’s a quick way to figure out if your boyfriend is an ass man or not, although if you’ve been together for a decent amount of time and still don’t know whether he is or not, you may want to reevaluate a few things.

Others participating even tried to catch male relatives in the act, including Fabiola Baglieri who caught her 13-year-old brother’s reaction to her playing the song, netting almost 90 million views and over 8 million likes.

Anyway, everyone with a secure attachment style knows watching Tyla videos with your partner is the way to go. It’s fun for the whole family!