You’ve heard of the Youtube apology video and the Notes app apology; Now get ready for a new medium for half-assed, sorry-not-sorries, the Get Ready With Me TikTok apology. Over the weekend, Tarte Cosmetics became the center of the most recent influencer beauty drama, after hosting an influencer activation at the Miami Grand Prix.

Tarte Cosmetics is notorious for its lavish brand trips hosting influencers in places like Mexico, Dubai, and now Miami. However, the brand does not have a great history in regard to the diversity of its brand trips.

A Black TikTok creator named Bria Jones, @heybriajones, pulled out Tarte’s Miami trip after stating in a since-deleted video that her itinerary for the trip was different from the other influencers. Jones was not invited to the Formula 1 race which was the main event of the trip and she stated that she did not want to be treated like a “second-tier person.”

After Jone’s video went viral, drama ensued amongst the Tarte influencers, their respected audiences, and Tarte.

And Tarte’s CEO, Maureen Kelly, responded to the controversy in one of the most out-of-touch videos in recent memory.

 Kelly, while in her bathroom doing her makeup, addresses the racial bias accusations Bri Jones launched against Tarte.  

“We’ve had our share of mistakes and I definitely want to take responsibility for them but sometimes miscommunications happen,” stated Kelly as she blends in her concealer.

It turns out that the influencer arrival times were staggered but made sure everyone had a day at the track, at a nice dinner, and at the club. Apparently, the Tarte team did not account for some influencers wanting to go to the actual F1 event on Sunday.

“I’m all about lifting others and making people feel good so I couldn’t imagine making someone feel sad or you know hurting someone's feelings,” concludes Kelly as she finishes curling her hair.  

The video has nearly 2 million views and over 9 thousand comments on TikTok.

“Grwm apology is crazy. We’re living in the twilight zone ” one person comments.

“Microaggressions with a smile,” comments another.

Jones released another video telling her followers that there was “miscommunication on both ends” and that she has been in contact with Kelly and they are moving forward beyond the drama.

While it is nice to see the influencer gals settle their disputes in a mature fashion, it does suck that the new requirement for apology videos is not tears or sincere statements, but ring lights and a clearly defined skincare routine.