Just Stop Oil is one of those groups that makes you believe in psy-ops.

While their mission is objectively correct, the way they go about promoting this message is annoying at best and potentially detrimental to the movement at worst.

For example, there was that one time that their protest prevented a woman from getting to the hospital with her newborn child. Then, there was another instance in which they went after gamers. Gamers! Oh, the humanity!

Now, they’ve captured headlines once more after covering Stonehenge in orange corn flour. Definitely makes me think about not using oil anymore!

In the video, you can see their piss-poor attempt at covering Stonehenge with orange corn flour. While they do this, onlookers beg them to stop, with one eventually managing to peel away the older of the two people from the stones.

Listen, I’m not one of those people who thinks protests shouldn’t be disruptive. They should — that’s the whole deal. However, there’s got to be a balance here between what will make people pissed off in your favor, and what will just piss people off. Right now, Just Stop Oil’s actions are mostly in the latter group.

At least according to the organization, the orange paint will easily wash off — and the group apparently followed it up by attempting to spray paint private jets. See? *That’s* how you do it!