Today I fucked up by reading r/TIFU, and misery loves company, so brace yourselves for one of the most disgusting anecdotes you’ve ever read.

Titled “TIFU Sucking Dick,” so you already know you’re in for a wild ride, the post starts with, “This literally just happened, I can't tell anyone in real life so i have to share this somewhere.” Personally, I would have taken it to my grave, but I suppose everyone has different responses to trauma, so let’s soldier on.

“So it’s a standard Saturday night, few drinks hanging out with my boyfriend and decided to move things on,” the post continues. “We get to having sex and moved on to anal without preparing. It’s a fantasy of his that I lick his dick afterward, which I don’t have an issue with, and have done before when we’re in the mood (and drunk).”

Awesome. Great. Again, thanks for sharing.

“So I gave it one long lick when done, and could feel something like a hair in my mouth. Pulled it out with my finger, turns out it was a worm. A fucking WORM!” Jesus H. Christ.

OP helpfully adds, “Probably worth mentioning that I work with kids so this is a thing I have to deal with semi-regularly (kids get worms all the time).”

Commenters were understandably traumatized. The top comment reads, “This is a very surprisingly common event in 2nd and 3rd world countries where parasites run rampant. Every year there’s an average of just kidding you’re gross.”

Another commenter agreed with my suggestion of taking this to the grave, writing, “Even by using all the water on the planet you couldn’t waterboard this information from me…”

Others were mad at themselves more than anything, writing, “I should have gone to sleep exactly 2 minutes ago,” and “GODDAMIT ME WHY WOULD YOU EVEN CLICK THIS SHIT.”

This basically sums up how I feel having read this stomach-churning story. Apologies for the mental scars.