“You could experience your favorite stories in unexpected ways.” That’s how Disney Plus’ ad for the new Apple Vision Pro begins, but plenty of horny internet goers have a different interpretation of the statement, and are looking to experience their favorite euphoric activity in an all too predictable way.

“The gooner goggles,” @eglizzabeth tweeted in response to the ad. “The gooning potential is off the charts.”

If you’re unfamiliar with the term gooning, it’s the act of masturbating for extended periods of time with no intention of finishing. It is a practice championed by certain smaller internet communities, and an activity perfectly suited to really take advantage of a nice pair of $3,500 virtual reality glasses.

The prominent Twitch streamer xQc couldn’t help but have similar thoughts when watching Apple’s description of the Vision Pro’s abilities, especially the feature that shows when people approach you.

“Imagine you’re juicing up and your mom blends in,” he exclaimed.

@xqcdaily I CANT WITH THIS GUY ANYMORE #xqc #apple #visionpro #meme #memes ♬ Originalton - Daily Dose of xQc

Gooners across the internet are already itching to try their hand with an Apple Vision Pro and upgrade from the good old fashioned goon-caves they’ve had for so long. Who knows, the experience might just be so good that they’ll finally cum.