Beware hot girls who hang out in downtown New York! There is a man going by the name Kyle Deschanel and he is lying about his entire existence.
TikTok creator Eva Evans posted a series of videos recounting her casual relationship with a guy so mysterious that her friend group thought he was a spy. His name? Kyle Deschanel. But it was all a lie.
In her video, Evans states that Deschanel claimed to have been working for the Saudi government doing “political concessions on their behalf.” He claimed to be Rothchild. And the most cringe lie of all, he claimed to have naturally blue eyes despite clearly wearing contacts (that one should’ve been a sign).
Kyle Deschanel is not his name and he does not work with the Saudi government.
Evans took it up a notch by posting another video showing photos of “Deschanel” to warn other women about his lies and escapades.
“He is not a Rothchild working for the Saudi government, he is a father and a husband from New Jersey,” she claims.
Apparently, in Deschanel's effort to “get access to hot girls and business opportunities,” he’s been caught and is now a target of an expose for an upcoming Vanity Fair article. A majority of Evan’s TikTok series have been made private in the interim.
But her call-out video reached the perfect audience. Women that Deschanel has lied to.
“He told me he was Zooey Deschanel's cousin,” comments one victim of his lies.
”NOOOO hahaha he told me the Saudi connection story and that he was valedictorian at some private school in Japan. I’m dead,” comments another.
Deschanel may be the male Anna Delvey lurking the streets of New York and bragging about his imaginary wealth.
Though one question about this wild ordeal is, if you’re gonna choose a fake name, why go with Kyle?