Think a restaurant with chaotic decor, a novella for a menu, and 38 different types of cheesecake is enough to woo your date? Not if your crush is a TikToker with insanely high standards!

One woman decided that The Cheesecake Factory, in all of its bizarre, postmodern glory, was most certainly not the place to make a good first impression, refusing to get out of her date’s car upon discovering he had driven her to the popular chain.

“He got me at The Cheesecake Factory, ya’ll,” the woman in question, whose identity is still unclear, told the camera as her date came to open her door. “I am not getting out of this car.”

After several moments of back and forth — and some serious confusion from her suitor — the woman in question elaborated on her decision to stay seated in the passenger's seat.

“Who takes someone that looks like this to a chain restaurant?” she said, prompting a broader discussion with her date.

“So you expect a man to go all out on the first date, is that right?”  he asked.

“I mean you’re supposed to,” she fired back. “When you take out a beautiful woman, and you’re quartering her — because I get quartered, you’re supposed to take care of her.”

But to the man in question, taking her to The Cheesecake Factory said, “I went into this date with the expectations for myself to keep you safe, to respect you, to pay for your food, of course.”

While she asked him to take her elsewhere, the man in question decided that enough was enough, booking her a one-way trip to Chateau her house.

So take it from this tale of romantic woe — a trip to The Cheesecake Factory may not be enough to impress your date but treating them to 48 oysters absolutely will.