Sir, yes sir? More like yes senpai, uwu!
As military recruitment hits record lows, boasting the “smallest active-duty force since 1940,” per WAVY, the U.S. Armed Forces have taken a novel new approach in increasing enlistments, — begging catgirls to bear their claws and fight our national enemies.
The genesis of this new tactic — or should we say cat-tic — came about on January 15, when TikTok comedian Trevor Dean hit the platform with a satirical catgirl “Get ready with me.”
“Uwu! Get ready with me to sign up for the military!” Dean, clad in a pink sailor costume and matching fuzzy cat ears began his now-viral video.
“I’m signing up for the military because I know my cat-like instincts would be super helpful in combat,” he continued before sharing his character’s lone caveat for enlisting — exclusively sporting Cadet Kelly-esque pink fatigues.
“If they’re not okay with me wearing pink, they’re gonna have to deal with my kitty wrath!” he said.
But where most viewers saw a-girl-flavored trolling, military members saw a golden opportunity, reminding Dean — and any gun-toting kitty brethren — that catgirls are most definitely welcome among their ranks.
“You’re not even the top 50 percent of weirdest soldiers, you’ll be fine,” Military advisor Mike — a.k.a @donttazemebruh — began his stitch to Dean’s video, adding an “uwu” for emphasis.
Yet Mike was far from alone in this assertion, with veteran @gypking2 hopping on to reiterate just how many “weebs and furries” find themselves among the few and the proud.
“As someone who did 10-and-a-half years in the military, honestly? I think you’d fit right in,” he explained.
“The amount of closet weirdos you find in the Army, you wouldn’t even make a blip on the radar,” the vet continued. “We would love to have a cute little kitty cat like you in the ranks!”
But regardless of whether you’re team GI e-girl or think no one, human nor kitty cat, should partake in the military-industrial complex, Army member Felicity Henderson said it best: “As long as they put you on the frontlines, kitty. That’s all that matters.”