In a wholesome trend on TikTok, people are posting videos with their childhood stuffed animals to determine if they look alike. Some of the comparisons are eerily accurate, while in others, it is difficult to tell what the plush in question was originally meant to look like.

Many of the videos, set to a sped-up remix of Ride by Lana Del Ray, are posted by stitching plush comparisons from @sydney.bai326 who has blonde hair and wears a pink hoodie in the video while holding a blonde bunny in a pink dress. 

The similarity is uncanny, and the bunny is in pristine condition, which can’t be said about the other users that have hopped on the trend, like @a_tall_glass_of_anxiety who holds up a pile of rags, a funny metaphor for what being an adult feels like. 

@megan_emilee commented: “When I saw this trend I looked at my doll and said ‘Guess we’re both a hot mess.’”

The drastic difference in the condition of everyone’s stuffed animal is part of what makes this trend so compelling and relatable.

@skoroswit shared their’s which has reached nearly 10 million views because of the hilarious similarity of his big and slightly wild eyes. Twisties, an Australian snack brand even commented “I’M SORRY I FEEL BAD FOR LAUGHING.”

@totally.not.sjors shares a bear with similar low-key energy and coloring.

So while we might not all look like our childhood stuffed animals, there comes a point in each of our lives when trends like this become unrelatable, as our parents threw our childhood toys away, a long, long time ago.