Hilton Hotel Manager Arrested For Sucking Guest's Toes...
- David Neal, a Hilton hotel manager in Nashville TN was...
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30 People Who Got Revenge On Their Enemies
- The spiciest stories of folks getting justice against...
19 People Facepalming Their Way Through Life
- People who are clearly on the struggle bus.
Clueless Lady Tries to Fill Up Her Tesla's...
- Ma'am that car takes electricity not gasoline!
BBC News Anchor Gets Caught in Hilarious Minute of...
- BBC anchor Lukwesa Burak was presenting the nightly...
Twitter's Community Notes Rip Uber Ad to Shreds
- Uber’s new “Be your own boss” ad campaign...
The Disney Parents Sharing 'Tips and Tricks' to Help...
- Influencer parents on TikTok are out of control and...
Man Continues to Sleep in the Nude Despite His...
- He’s naked … and probably not the asshole.
Hawaii Tourists Drive into a Lake 'The Office' Style...
- The driver and her passenger were searching for a...
Americans Are Dumbfounded By British Chinese Food
- Cultural differences can be a beautiful thing but I...
The TikTok Guy Who “Cracked” a Murder Case Is a...
- Over the past several days, Waks has become the...
"You're Looking at Other Women" - Irate Wife Smashes...
- Emotions boil over during a flight when a couple's...
It Was Bound To Happen: Hungry Student Eats Banana...
- I mean, it’s one Banana, what much could it cost,...
30 People Who Got Fired Because Of Their Own Stupidity
- The stories of people who got canned from their job...
25 People Who Were Confidently Incorrect
- These people had some misplaced confidence in their...
Furries Are Pissed at Jared Leto's Met Gala Cat Costume
- Jared Leto may have been kitten around with his Met...
Bicycle Cops in Training Struggle to Ride Around Some...
- Modern day police are known more for their donut...
18 Examples of 'Dickriding' Previously Thought...
- A viral prompt by Twitter user Jhonny, asking, "What's...
20 Fresh and Funny Fails to Re-Fill Your Files
- Funny facepalms to renew your noggin.
37 Unhinged DMs That Crossed the Line
- It's hard out here for us normal people trying to just...
Woman Defends Her Husband For Watching Football While...
- Earlier this week, TikToker @amber_louisetilley...
Guy Uses Controversial Jackson Hinkle Gun Tweet to...
- On April 25, the ultra-right-wing spokesperson Jackson...
This 1922 Flyer Is Timeless Anti-Fuckboi Advice
- From Ed Hardy t-shirts to Supreme logo box hoodies and...
Pray for the Guy Who Lost His Job Because of a Stress...
- This guy developed a "Beat then think" technique while...
Ben Askren Calls His Wife 'Mid' In Failed Tribute...
- Former mixed martial artist and UFC fighter Ben Askren...
Aubrey Plaza Had to Turn Off Her Comments Because of...
- She’s got milk … and a whole lot of angry fans.
Cop and Self-Driving Taxi Have the Dumbest Standoff in...
- The world's dumbest man vs. machine shows that self...
21 Trashy Fails That Totally Flopped
- Facepalms of the extra stinky variety.
27 People Who Incorrectly Corrected Someone
- It's a special kind of satisfying when people who...
The 'Elite Breeding Couple' Have a Long and...
- Simone and Malcolm Collins became the main characters...
'So is the Baby!': Plane Passenger Angry That Baby is...
- "We are in a tin can, with a baby in an echo chamber!"
Author Recommends Chat GPT to Get a 'Legitimately...
- Lauren Kay, whose debut novel, We Ship It, releases...
Disneyland Paris Employee Steals Ring to Shut Down...
- "Is Paris still the city of love after this?"
30 People Who Were Dealt a Dose of Bad Luck
- Even the best of days can take a sudden and unexpected...
Extremely Lucky Kid Narrowly Escapes a Brush With Death
- Things nearly went horribly wrong for this guy as he...
24 Funny Facepalms to Help Win the Weekend
- Weekend wackys to foil the failure.
19 Trashy Fails and Facepalms That Belong in a Landfill
- These fails belong in the dumpster.
23 Wikipedia Entries with Not So Great Photos
- It seems people writing articles for Wikipedia have a...
Guys All Fail to Bench How Much They Say They Can
- "If you bench it, I'll give that to you in dollars."
Family Recovers Stolen E-Bike After Cops Fail to Do...
- After getting no help from local police, a family in...
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