38 Funny Pumpkin Designs to Make Halloween Suck Less
- It's decorative gourd carving season, homies.
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50 Humorous Randoms Plucked from the Internet Tree
- Did you know a meme is technically a type of fruit?
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
Hamster is Scarred for Life from Watching Video of...
- What is going on.
Guy Shows How 'Pro Gamers' Live in Absolute Squalor
- If your kid is thinking of getting on Twitch, show...
Woman Tries to Hide Her Fart but It Activates a Store...
- This one's a real squeaker.
25 Petty Reasons People Broke Up
- They were attractive until...
100 Reasons to Buy the Belle Delphine Gamer Girl...
- The only computer that can keep cool as you heat up.
'Super Mario 64' Speed Run on a PS2 Is an Absolute...
- Playing this without the awful N64 controller must...
Twenty-Four Wives and Girlfriends Who Succeeded at...
- At least they tried.
33 Funny Pics That Mess with the Mind
- Wash your eyes with a cold glass of milk after...
Finally, a Dating App for Cougars and Pseudo-Pedophiles
- How is this real?
22 Dark Memes That Are Almost Too Dark
- *laughs in psychopath*
Desperate Woman Hides Poop In Her Purse When Her...
- Nothing like fishing a turd out of the toilet on your...
John McAfee Wants Coronavirus So Badly It Hurts
- He's down to get coughed on by anyone.
Beetle Manages to Crawl Out of Frog's Butthole after...
- This frog looks ready to eat it again by the end.
25 Pics Filled with Dumb
- The stupidity is strong with these.
Disturbing Couple Takes "Doggy Style" Role Play Too Far
- There's dog people and then there's Dog People.
$1 Million NYC Apartment Building Is the Biggest Crap...
- The best part is the owners are accepting cash only.
Woman Asked to Wear a Mask Pulls Off Her Panties and...
- Hey, sometimes you just gotta do whatever it takes. I...
Bionic Arm Penis Man Is Understandably Frustrated
- It just dangles there all day long.
Cockroach Gets BBQ'd in the Most Savage Way Possible
- Goodnight, sweet prince.
"When Harry Met Sally" Fake Orgasm Scene but She's...
- According to the guy who shared this video, it was...
Roaches Crawl All over Woman While She's Filming...
- They really didn't want to leave her alone.
Hungover Guy Poops the Bed after One-Night Stand and...
- Who's baking brownies in here?
Guy Sneaking a Poop Gets Caught and Has to Pick it up...
- This man thought he was exempt from the log, but he...
25 Images Full of NOPE
- Stuff you will want no part of.
Guy Prepared to Ditch Fiancé after Learning about Her...
- Some family traditions need to be discontinued.
Woman Traumatized by Boyfriend Who Stands on Toilet to...
- Dude could actually get seriously hurt, but it's just...
Kids are Peeing Their Pants as a Challenge for TikTok
- I guess this is better than Tide Pods?
Dog Wants to Do Way More Than Just Drink Milk from...
- The "Dog Bowl Mouth Challenge" only had one submission...
5 Songs You Need to Try Peeing To
- Stream these songs while your own stream is streaming.
Extremely Gruesome Safety Training Video Is Actually...
- "Will You Be Here Tomorrow?" is the most ominous title...
24 Cringey Neckbeards Who Are Just Awful
- Who do we speak to about getting these guys' internet...
Kid Discovers His Mom's "Wobbly Sausage"
- That's not a toy. Okay, well actually it is. One day...
Man Caught Licking Doorbells Will Make You Knock
- Police are trying to track down a man who spent three...
This Employee Was Forced to Work Sick and It Got Messy...
- There was vomit, there was mopping, and even a written...
18 Liars Who Definitely Didn't Mean to Send That Text...
- No one is going to believe them especially when they...
Will Ferrell Plays Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts...
- Would you rather answer a tough question or eat...
41 Unexplainable and WTF Photos That'll Make You Oof
- These will leave you with more questions than answers.
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