Fighter Pilot Explains How they Use the Bathroom...
- Watch this pilot explain how they deal with "nature...
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42 Fun Filled Photos to Help Pass the Time
- Enjoy a big batch of cool pics, funny animals, and...
Face Meet Palm, 33 Cringeworthy "Oh No" Moments
- Sometimes it's just not your day. Life gave these...
20 Times Dads Had The Best Humor
- No one said parenting was an easy task, so it's...
Guy Builds A Shrimp Trap Using Primitive Technology
- Further proof that you can live off the grid if you...
Man Plucks Seagull Out of Air While Eating McDonalds
- The seagulls will simply return with even more...
32 People Who Never Learned How to Spell
- English...can you speak it?
37 Things That Are Really Cool To Look At
- The world is full of cool stuff, interesting items,...
Florida Man Crashes Stolen Cop Car, Steals Another One
- This dude's playing life itself like GTA.
19 Celebrity Couples Who We Completely Forgot Ever...
- To be honest we forgot that a majority of these...
Home Intruder Kicks In Door, Charges Woman With a...
- Local law enforcement says the woman will not be...
19 Hysterical Job Fails to Make You Laugh
- If you thought you were bad at your job, think again.
Man Creates Literal S**tshow at Kid Rock Steakhouse,...
- Everybody's job can be crappy. But not this crappy.
No One Asked, But Prince William and Kate Middleton...
- After all that negative press this year, I love that...
23 Celebrities Getting Roasted Online
- They never stood a chance.
15 Satisfying Photos That Released Our Serotonin
- Call it a glitch in the matrix. Call it dumb luck....
The "CEO of Trade Offers" Explains His Viral Meme
- Content creator and streamer Bradeazy is the man...
38 Bill Gates Divorce Memes That Signed a Prenup
- Billionaire Bill Gates is newly single, and the...
Little Leaguer Gives Us All the Feels with Home Run...
- Owen Hoag, an 8-year-old ball player from Wichita...
White Phosphorus Is a Terrifying Substance
- White phosphorous is so reactive that it has to be...
34 Times the '80s Rocked Our Socks Off
- "Where we're going, we don't need roads..."
Bill Gates Joins Jeff Bezos as Single Man
- They've destroyed the planet and squashed labor...
Mixed Bag of Randoms to Breeze through in Your Spare...
- Slip into the warm waters of Lake Randomness.
33 Pics of Clever Designs, Awesome Ideas, and Cool...
- A batch of cool things, neat designs, and a bunch of...
26 Funny Memes That Embrace the Chaos
- Nothing makes sense and everything is nothing.
42 Odd and Interesting Things that are Pretty Darn Cool
- A collection of unique items and unusual stuff you...
15 Incredibly Dumb Video Game Promotional Items
- If you're building a four-foot long purple penis to...
Enjoy an XXL Serving of 77 Funny Memes Worth Checking...
- Most of us will be hanging around neighbors, friends,...
Insanely Low Flying F-16 Cockpit View Over Miami Beach...
- This is so intense it needs to be an IMAX film. The...
15 Wacky Video Game Facts to Expand Your Mind
- "Dang it, Bobby. Quit playin' so much vidya games."
20 People Who Got Exactly What They Asked For
- They were surprised by what they got.
Game Trends: Why Cozy Core Is On the Rise
- Cozy gaming, or what is known as "cozy core" is...
15 Polished Turds That Never Lived up to the Hype
- This is why we have trust issues.
15 Dumb Cheats That Almost Broke Video Games
- Who came up with these stupid codes?
25 Funny Memes and Pics You Just Can't Argue With
- Life is full of moments and situations we can all...
Female Passenger is the Victim of some Negative G...
- At the end of a flight, this woman's flight coach...
15 Bizarre Video Game Spinoffs No One Ever Played
- Who knew both Mario brothers were doctors?
16 Year Old Pitcher (at the time) Has an Insane...
- Lee Glasser, pitcher for a developmental teamUSA shown...
24 Awesome Things Made by Creative and Talented People
- The world is full of people who have a talent for...
How Allison Harvard of 'Creepy Chan' Went From Meme to...
- The former Queen of 4chan speaks out and even gives...
eBaum's Picks