
12 Bizarre Military Plans That Failed in Spectacular Fashion

You don't win conflicts by sitting around, and militaries have always been forced to get creative to succeed in conflicts. But for every brilliant strategic ploy, there are dozens more that never make it off the drawing board. Every D-Day has its Operation Barbarossa, and not every commander is willing to give their version of the Trojan Horse a try. Here are 12 weird and crazy military plans that never panned out. 

If you're a cat lover like me, then you know that our feline companions like to pretend like they're not listening to us... all while absorbing every single thing we say. You know, like good spies. The CIA thought this too, and proposed a Cold War plan to implant a cat with recording technology before letting it loose in the Kremlin. The tech turned out to be more difficult to engineer than originally planned, and the idea was scrapped. As cool as that cat would have been, there was never a feline super spy. 

But even that crazy plan pales in comparison to using live chickens to help failsafe nuclear landmines. If you want to read about that, check out this collection of 12 weird military plans that never panned out.

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