20 Safety Tips That May Come In Handy
Nathan Johnson
These might be good to know, though you hope you never have to use them, these tips could really help you in a bind.
You know what they say, plan for the worst, but expect the best.
There is nothing the world fears more than a man with a plan.
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Never get into a vehicle if someone is trying to kidnap you. (if you can help it) Its better to fight and scream as much as you can because once you get in the vehicle your chances of survival go down significantly. One of the few occasions where you should absolutely fight a gun or knife (assuming you can’t run away). Better to get stabbed or even shot at a place you might receive treatment than wind up unharmed at a second location where worse things likely await. -
Wear safety glasses when working. Wear safety gloves when working.Wear safety boots when working.Do not make excuses, one mistake can cost you your finger, eye, toe. -
If you have a skin mole that has blurry edges, isn’t symmetrical, is a weird shade of red, weeps fluids, or acts like an open wound that won’t heal, you might have skin cancer. Go to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Melanoma kills fast. -
The gates on a railroad crossing are meant to break away when driven through. If your car ever stalls out on a crossing don’t bother with 911, look for the blue sign posted on the crossing gates themselves and call that number. That number will get you in contact with the train dispatcher who can let oncoming trains know about it immediately. And if a train is approaching and you have to abandon your vehicle, run beside the tracks (but obviously not in the path of the train) towards the oncoming train. You want the train to have passed you before it strikes your vehicle, because the impact debris will be thrown in the direction the train is moving. -
As a lifelong Floridian, I see this all the time here, and else where in the news. In the event of a disaster, stay the heck away from downed power lines!! Don’t walk along the street with them, don’t drive your car over them, don’t take selfies with them. They’re thunder noodles and have been known to kill. -
You cannot drink the waters from cactuses in an emergency due to acidity and toxic alkaloids, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and mass dehydration especially when you’re hungry or thirsty. -
If you’re treating a gunshot victim while waiting on an ambulance, the best thing you can do is apply constant pressure to the wound. Bind it if you can. But, whatever you do, absolutely do not remove bandages if they get too saturated with blood. Just add more. Don’t give the wound any chances to bleed out more than it already is. -
Do NOT put objects in the driver’s foot space -
Sharp tools are safer and easier to control than dull ones. This goes for basically anything with a blade, whether it’s a saw blade, utility knife, chisel, or simple kitchen knife. You’re more likely to slip, lose control, or kick back with a dull blade. -
In the event of a disaster, such as an earthquake or flood, The drinking water system frequently becomes contaminated.Therefore you need to shut off the intake valve to your water heater.Then your water heater becomes an emergency drinking water tank. -
Never EVER sneak up behind a horse, EVER -
Around any body of water:Feet first first time – never dive unless you know how deep the water is.Drowning looks like climbing a ladder, and it’s silent.If you get into a dangerous current swim perpendicular to it. -
If confronted, it’s far better to run away if at all possible rather than try to fight your attacker. Even if you think you are a badass. -
Always prepare for your car to break down in the middle of nowhereBring warm clothes, water, a charged phone etc.. -
if your child goes missing in your home, first check any spots that would be dangerous for them to be (near water heaters, sump pumps etc…) then check their common hiding spots. -
If everybody else is staying on the beach don’t go running into the ocean. They might all be staying on the beach for a reason. Like jellyfish. -
Never mix cleaning products -
Head injuries can take hours to manifest. Go see a doctor even if you think it was minor. If you wait, it may already be too late once you start showing symptoms. -
When boiling a pot of water, turn the handle inwards towards the center of the stove/counter. That way somebody (especially a kid) won’t come by and knock it over or grab it and pull it over on themselves. -
If you are the passenger in a car with airbags, never put your feet on the dash.
Never get into a vehicle if someone is trying to kidnap you. (if you can help it) Its better to fight and scream as much as you can because once you get in the vehicle your chances of survival go down significantly. One of the few occasions where you should absolutely fight a gun or knife (assuming you can’t run away). Better to get stabbed or even shot at a place you might receive treatment than wind up unharmed at a second location where worse things likely await.