21 Useless Reviews Posted By Complete Nitwits
If you're going to post a negative product review, make sure it's actually the product's fault.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
If you're going to post a negative product review, make sure it's actually the product's fault. Unfortunately, that's not what these 27 nitwits did, and as a result, their reviews are utterly useless.
Before you buy something, it's very important to read everything you can about the product. Otherwise, you might buy something that's not what you had in mind. Remember: if that happens, it's your own fault! Don't go around leaving one-star reviews because the iPhone 12 case you bought doesn't fit on your iPhone 14 Max. Once you have the product, read the instructions before claiming that it doesn't work like it should. And definitely don't go around throwing your new speakers in the bathtub just to see what'll happen!
Restaurant review fails are also a staple for the grouchy people of Reddit. Take "Clara" for example, who left a one-star review and a photo of herself after stating that she'd even visited a restaurant yet decided to leave a review. Here are 27 useless reviews from complete nitwits.