28 Harsh Truths No One Wants To Accept
Nathan Johnson
If there is one lesson that life teaches us all it's that we get out what we put in. This goes for friendships, jobs, hobbies, and most importantly, our relationships with ourselves. And what may work for one person, won't necessarily work for the next. It's easy to sugarcoat life with happy-sounding bits of advice, and if you came here to feel better about your mistakes, these hard truths might just make you feel worse. But that's okay because life isn't always about hearing
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No matter what you do, Someone will *always* hate it. I hated hearing this for the first time and it put it into perspective for me. -
No matter what earth-shattering, soul-wrenching event has happened to *you*--the death of a loved one, a scary diagnosis--the rest of the world will keep moving even though yours has been rocked. Life goes on. -
That just because I was an abuse victim for 20 years it doesn't mean that things are automatically going to start getting better without me trying. A winning lottery ticket, or my dream job, isn't just going to fall into my lap - I'm not owed a good future just because I had a s**t past -
You can be do your best to be as nice and considerate of the feelings of everyone you meet, and still end up hurting people. Not even from doing anything *wrong*. Just from people being complicated. -
Cutting ties with toxic family member is necessary, it doesn’t matter if their blood you have to do what’s best for you -
Some people are just c***s. I used to be naïve and believed that people would generally try to do the right thing. Nope. Now I’m cynical and it’s much better. I’m not a bitter person - the opposite actually. It’s better to be skeptical than be overly trusting and get screwed over. -
There is a big portion of the world who hates me for who I am, but hating myself too doesn't help anything. -
Friendships come and go. It's a luxury to be friends with anyone for an extended period of time, let alone into adulthood. Yeah, you get lucky with certain people who you're still friends with, but then you get people who just couldn't care less about you when you drift apart (as it will happen to just about anyone). It's no fun, but that's life. -
For me, personally, it was accepting that I would always be abnormal, due to having dwarfism. It will be a social barrier in life for many people I meet, it will no doubt impact how people perceive me, my personality and my abilities, and it is something that many people will find hard to get past, mentally. There will be things I am physically incapable of doing, and people will patronise me. I will always get unwanted attention on a daily basis, and will struggle romantically, due to people equating me with a child.The reality of all these things hit me when I was about 12 years old, which was a lot to process. I got very angry and bitter about my lot in life, and it kind of dominated my teenage years.But I *have* accepted it, and I'm pretty cool with my life now. I wouldn't change it for the world. It made me who I am, and I love who I am. It was hard to come to terms with when I was young, definitely, but I feel so secure now, as a result. People tell me they envy that about me. -
You can't make someone love you. -
You can't be anything you want. You can be whatever your skill level, intellect and money will allow. So that means I am too poor to be president, too clumsy to be a trapeze artist and too number dumb to be an astronaut. -
My parents are getting older. No, that's not it. They're dying. Sure, we're all getting closer to the day we die. But the decline in them is scary.It's hard enough as it is, but accepting that you're next is something that I haven't been able to do yet. -
My girlfriend isn’t coming back. I was 30, she was 27, she died. I had all these hopes and plans for a life together. It sounds ridiculous, but the realisation that she is dead and never coming back took me a long time to fully accept. I kept having dreams where she was alive, only to have to wake up and realise it was only a dream. I’m not superstitious, but I kept hoping she would come back in some form, even just for ten minutes, so we could talk. -
It’s very difficult to come to terms with the fact you’re not as smart or cool as you thought you were. That you’re really nothing special. But once you accept that, it gets a little easier. I don’t know about you, but to me there’s something kinda liberating about not being anything special. You’re free to be your own person and do your own thing. -
Some people don’t want actual solutions, they just want to complain. -
There is no justice. Sometime, people will be d***s, and everything will work out for them. You can generally teach someone a lesson (by kicking the c**p out of them), but only once, because you will probably go to jail for it. -
I'm not going to win the lottery and I'm not going to magically become filthy rich. -
People will care about you as long as you’re useful or convenient for them. After that, you’re on your own. -
Adults are not all knowing. Stupid kids sometimes become stupid adults. The worst kid in class in bed school might still become a doctor. Your parents, your heroes, your teachers- all just people. Usually doing the best that they can, even if it isn't always enough. -
Love is not enough. A relationship dying because of things external to love, is such a horrible thing to embrace, given that we are taught love conquers all. It can barely conquer a 2hr drive. -
The "what are you going to do about it?" Will always be more important than who's right or wrong. -
Life isn’t fair. We watch films, read books, listen to music where the good guys generally win or things sort themselves out for the better but in reality this rarely happens. On the plus side, once you accept this as a truth it makes it easier to accept than always trying to force the right outcome -
That there’s no break. You may go on a vacation, but you’re always working to keep your life from automatically failing making sure you always have all necessities.You can’t just have a summer in which you worry about nothing. You’d be lucky to have a winter “break”, but even then you still have to work at life, especially if you have people to care for.You can’t just go away and retire to your room for a week if you’re feeling overwhelmed as it will just get worse and worse.However, this responsibility is cut in half (hopefully) if you have a great partner to do it with (which I am very lucky to have). -
I cannot depend on long-term remission, because it simply does not reliably exist for treatment-resistant depression, I've never had remission, and I'm a lot more treatment-resistant than the average.That means if I want to get anything done, I have to learn to function how I am and not wait for a day when I'm better. There isn't a better. It doesn't matter who I am when I'm not depressed, because "not depressed" is not an option and it very well might never be an option.I know that must sound really depression, but it was actually a really important realization. I can't control whether or not I'm miserable, or do anything I'm not already doing; but if I'm going to be sick then I may as well do something instead of lie in bed all day. -
Other than a small group of people, no one gives a s**t about me. -
Most people only want to associate with you if it benefits them. -
That I’m gonna die, that took a while -
My mom will never forgive me for coming out as gay -
I only seem to matter to others when I have money -
Nobody cares about you as much as you do.Marriage is not only love, you have to run/maintain it like a business.Trust someone, but only you can help yourself in the end.In the end, it's all about money & power (for both good and bad intention).
- 28 Harsh Truths No One Wants To Accept
- 28 Funny Tweets to Kick Off the Week
No matter what you do, Someone will *always* hate it. I hated hearing this for the first time and it put it into perspective for me.