10 Photos Remembering the 'Balloon Fest' That Totally...
- The mistake on the lake
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20 Homes That Went Way, Way Too Far With Holiday...
- *Clark Griswold has left the chat*
18 More People Who Tried and Failed to Deep Fry Their...
- We're thankful that these folks aren't us.
The 25 Trashiest Photos of the Week
- A master class in having none
22 Vintage Ads and Headlines Should Be Illegal To Read
- Do you still beat your wife? We sure hope not!
Trashy Folks Who Deserve a Lifetime Ban from Chuck E...
- The E. stands for entertainment ... and "ew"
25 Examples of Horrendous Home Designs and...
- These folks should have hired an actual professional.
20 Terrible Tattoos That People Should Get a Refund For
- From a terrible portrait of a child to hilariously...
You Had One Job: 31 People Who Failed the Most Basic...
- How hard could it be?
The 15 Worst Inventions of the 1980s
- Somewhere in the ether, a tear is rolling down Thomas...
32 Times When People Failed Spectacular (and...
- These hurt right in the wallet.
22 IT Workers Share the Dumbest Problems They Ever Had...
- Never a dull day at the IT Desk.
27 People Share Times They Messed Around and Found Out
- Sometimes the FA is not worth the FO.
21 Construction Fails Screaming "Call the Foreman"
- OSHA: It's not just a silly little acronym.
20 Reddit Magicians Share Times They Were Laughed Out...
- Now you see their talent, now you don't.
24 Mechanics Share the Dumbest Reasons People Have...
- Driving: It's not for everyone.
Awful Execution: 22 People Who Slept Through Design...
- Design is a crucial element in any product,...
25 Firefighters Share the Dumbest Way They’ve Ever...
- Stop. Drop. Roll. Don't be stupid.
22 Paint Disasters That Left Their Mark
- Painting: It's a whole lot harder than it looks.
24 Sketchy Ladders That Are Accidents Waiting to Happen
- They may not win an OSHA award, but they just might...
25 Insane Infographics That Are Crimes Against Data
- Graphs: Not even once.
39 Examples of When Life Decided to Throw a Monkey...
- Take some comfort in knowing that you aren't alone in...
22 Facepalm Worthy Photoshop Fails that Cracked Us Up
- These people should just delete their social media at...
35 People Share The Struggle of Dealing With Their...
- People share the stories about their bad neighbors who...
41 Seemingly Mundane Moments That Sent People Off the...
- Pictures of events, situations, and things that sent...
30 Examples of Hilarious Construction Fails and...
- How the heck does that even happen?
21 Photos of People Absolutely Eating It Throughout...
- Banana peels: Not even once.
20 People Who Tried But Hilariously Failed to...
- These folks have thrown caution to the wind and dove...
29 People And Their Terrible Tattoos that Equal a...
- What were they thinking?
Not Having a Good Time: 25 People Experiencing Life...
- Life can be very unpredictable sometimes. Just when...
27 Times When Someone Was The Total Opposite of...
- Get ready to have a few laughs and plenty of facepalms...
33 Unsafe Situations Where Safety Was an Afterthought
- "Safety? Haven't heard of it."
28 Horror Stories That Prove Not All Doctors Can Be...
- People share their worst emergency room experiences.
30 Hilariously Bad Sign Fails Someone SHould Have...
- These aren't the signs you're looking for.
45 Movie Mistakes and Film Fails that Snuck Past the...
- Errors that have slipped through the cracks.
When Life Happens: 33 Getting The Short End of the...
- When things just don't go your way, you can take some...
30 Times When Movie Mistakes Slipped by Editors and...
- A collection of things that eagle-eyed fans noticed...
Entitled Neighbor Unhappy with Free Lawn Care, Gets a...
- Ask and you shall (not) receive.
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