29 Pictures That Seem Totally Legit
- Take a close look, there may be something a little off...
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The 19 Worst Children's Book Titles Ever!
- What were they thinking?
24 People Clearly Lying On Facebook
- Funny examples of people caught lying on Facebook.
So You Want To Have Kids...
- 21 Images that may just serve as "Digital Birth...
18 'Well... You Tried' .GIFs
- Well, you tried... you failed, but you did try.
28 Photoshop Failures
- Sometimes Photoshop makes you look worse.
Facebook Wins & Fails
- Back by popular demand: it's the wins and fails you...
Dumbest Questions Ever Asked On Twitter
- Remember when your teachers said there are no dumb...
34 People Having A Worse Day Than You
- If you feel like saying "it couldn't get any worse"...
Tips And Tricks For Everyday Life
- Seems more like 'badvice" to me...
21 People Who Failed At Cooking
- These people should do us all a favor and just stay...
Companies That Failed At Product Naming
- Some of these aren't just wrong, they're just wrong...
21 People About To Get Seriously Injured
- These people deserve everything coming to them.
17 Waterslide Fail Gifs
- These people just don't know how to Summer.
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
Oh, The Irony!
- 29 examples of irony in action.
You're Doing It Wrong!
- 55 examples of not getting it quite right...
32 People Who Had One Job...
- And failed at it.
This Could End Badly...
- Examples of people on track to receive a Darwin...
32 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More moments from everyone's favorite social media...
The Facepalm Collection
- 40 More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
33 Hilarious Facebook Fails
- Some Facebook moments that will make you facepalm.
39 Daytime TV Talk Show Captions
- The crazy, the funny, and the plain old WTF.
20 People With Bad Luck
- GIFs of things didn't exactly go according to plan...
Your Construction Needs Some Help...
- 34 more funny and WTF construction fails.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Awkward Moments In .GIFs
- A collection of the most awkward moments of all time.
28 Social Media Fails
- Sometimes people do stupid stuff on the internet.
35 Hilariously Bad Book Titles & Covers
- Just because they're terrible doesn't mean I don't...
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
The Gift Of GIFs
- 34 funny, weird, and random GIFS for your enjoyment!
Forever Alone on Valentine's Day
- 33 examples fit for those on Valentine's Day destined...
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
The Moment It All Went Wrong
- 37 more perfectly timed photos.
30 Examples Of "Close Enough"
- More people who almost nailed it...
21 Real Crazy X-Rays
- Unreal X Rays that actually happened!
The Facepalm Collection
- More embarrassing, idiotic, and WTF moments from...
29 Unfortunately Placed Stickers
- The placement of these price tags and stickers change...
These Animals Aren't Great At Jumping
- 27 Gifs of animals taking the leap, and failing...
You Had One Job...
- 23 situations where someone had a simple task, and...
eBaum's Picks