21 Wild Kids Who Give Other Kids a Bad Name
- Kids do the darnedest things.
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35 People Having a Very Bad Day On The Job
- Having a terrible day at work can be frustrating,...
35 Times Construction Workers Threw the Blueprints Out...
- These just don't get the job done
17 Savage and Ruthless Facebook Comments Roasting 'OP'
- Don't make stupid posts on Facebook
15 Facepalms, Fails, and Flounders Packed to the Brim...
- Put your face in your hand
20 Things That Were Awesome as a Kid but Not So Much...
- Take us back to the good old days, for the love of god.
38 Unfortunate Times Life Tested People's Patience
- Check out these poor unfortunate souls who found...
20 Fails and Accidents That HAD to Hurt
- These ones are going to leave a mark, and there are...
37 People Who Got the Short End of the Stick
- The definition of a bad day.
20 People Share the Reasons Why They Were Fired
- It sucks to get fired, you have to clean out your desk...
Employee Denied Time Off For Surgery Because Another...
- This employee asked for two sick days off for surgery,...
Waiter Complains to Law Firm After Large Group Doesn't...
- They found out the hard way that a bunch of lawyers...
30 People Who Got a 1st Class Ticket for the Fail Boat
- These folks aren't having the best day. Some of it was...
12 People Who Definitely Regret Asking to Get Roasted
- Be careful what you wish for, it might just burn you.
35 Prime Examples of Murphy's Law in Action
- So take a few moments and browse through this...
31 Times People's Day Went Sideways
- We've all experienced those moments in life when...
18 Awful Celebs That Are Well Liked Since Their Deaths
- Should we forgive them just because they've passed?
Unleashing the Awesome: 44 Randomly Cool and Fun Pics
- Explore the world on a virtual field trip with this...
25 Hilarious Mom Memes for Mother's Day
- You forgot again, didn't you?
28 People Who Had Bad Luck on a Fail Friday
- A batch of people who are having a rough go of things...
20 People Having A Real Bad Day
- It just wasn't their day
19 Insults That Really Hit the Mark
- These roasts hit home
21 People Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Nuked
- Folks who asked the internet to roast them and...
14 People Who Were Singled Out For No Real Reason
- These are strangely personal.
32 Times Failure Was The Only Option
- Check out this batch of pics that are packed to the...
People Reveal What Happened after Sleeping with Their...
- There are multiple films, books, plays all about this...
27 People Who Got a Big F**k You From the Universe
- Twenty seven people who are probably not enjoying...
20 Things People Have Gotten Stuck up Their Nose
- True story. When I was about 8 years old, I stuck one...
18 People Who Epitomize 'F*** around and Find Out'
- Thanks to Reddit, we've collected some of the moments...
14 Savage Comments That Really Nailed It
- The internet is full of funny people with witty...
20 People Exposing Their Toxic Partners
- When people reveal their true colors.
21 People Who Got Crunched In The Comments
- They weren't ready for these insults.
21 Pictures Of Stupidity, Irony, and Karma
- Take pleasure in pics of people being dumb
25 Things in Everyday Life That are Actually Scams
- Some of the scams we've come to accept as part of...
28 Times When Famous People Ruined Their Lives in Mere...
- Some people who really screwed up.
The Worst Winter Olympics Wipeouts of All Time
- The 2022 Winter Olympics are now over. Once again, the...
16 People Whose Luck Ran Out on Them
- If you're out of luck don't ask them for any, cause...
22 People Who Celebrated Too Early And Got Owned
- These folks got just a little ahead of themselves.
25 Once Amazing Things That Got Ruined by Greed and...
- All good things must come to an end
17 Accurate Memes That Are So Real They Hurt
- It’s funny because it’s true.
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