Guy Teaches Snobby Aunt Who Tormented His Family a...
- Karma always comes for you in the end.
Media galleries
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Falsely Accused Employee Gets Bosses Shut Down and...
- Some people think they can just go on doing wrong and...
53 Photos That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity
- The world can be an ugly place but let us remind...
A Girl Talks About A University Roommate From Hell
- Sometimes people have a hard time with roommates other...
Unsettling Final Words Spoken By Notorious Killers
- What would you say in the final moments before death?
6 Creepy Stories to Give You a Case of the No Sleeps
- 'Tis the season for the spooky stories to chill your...
22 Pics To Remind You That Kids Are Truly The Weirdest
- The little humans are without a doubt the weirdest...
34 Roommate Pranks That Are Downright Evil
- Roommates that are fed up with their housemates...
24 Evil Kermit Memes To Feed Your Dark Side
- Some of these may hit a little too close to home, and...
24 Examples Of People That Pure Evil
- This is why we all have trust issues.
8 Crazy Experiments From Real Life Mad Scientists
- Even the scientific community has its share of crazy...
Cartoons And Photos That Seemingly Predicted 9/11
- These creepy pictures were made before the horrific...
Some People Are Just Pure Evil
- The times people were just being assholes.
15 People Busted For Dumb Facebook Posts
- Most of them ended up doing time behind bars.
26 Times People Were Just Pure Evil
- Some people are just born to be bad.
25 People That Are Just Pure Evil
- These people are going to hell in a hand basket!
Proof That We Are Surrounded By Evil
- 17 Images that offer undeniable proof that the world...
18 Pictures of Kids Acting Evil
- Sometimes kids take things to an scary level.
12 Funny Bill Cosby Jokes That Cosby Hates
- The best jokes the Internet has used to skewer this...
19 People With A Sick Sense Of Humor
- Photos that prove there are monsters among us.
12 Killer Couples of History
- Here are a few evil couples that will send a shiver...
How to Prove The World Ain't 100% Evil
- Pics proving there is humanity left among us.
18 People Who Are Pure Evil
- There are so many jerks in this world.
16 Reasons People Are Just Pure Evil
- Sometimes they find pleasure in being mean...
15 Ways To Get Revenge On A Jerk
- There's nothing wrong with helping karma out a...
Girlfriend Catches Her Man Cheating and Hatches a...
- The game she sent him on will definitely get him...
20 People Who Are Just Pure Evil
- It's just not funny when it happens to you...
16 Images To Scare-ify Your October
- Here's some terrifying images to get you in the mood...
20 Things That Are Surprisingly Super Metal
- Stuff so out-of-characteristically metal that it'll...
People Are Capable Of Such Evil
- People can really be jerks sometimes.
Why Comcast Is The Worst Company
- When it comes to horrible companies, Comcast regularly...
11 Good Quotes From Bad Men
- Who said it? Here's a hint: Not Gandhi.
Proof Cats Are Taking Over The World
- 28 pics and gifs to convince you, just in case you're...
Taxidermist With A Nightmarish Twist
- Taxidermy at it's weirdest...
The Bad Guys And Girls In Movies
- And the evil things they say...
eBaum's Picks