23 Examples of Folks Having a Very Bad Day at Work
- Few things are worse than messing up badly at work,...
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35 Times Instagram Influencers Took Photoshop a Step...
- Why people still feel the need to heavily edit their...
20 Bad Bosses Who Are an Employee's Worst Nightmare
- There is nothing worse than a bad boss.
22 Dumb Posts From People Only Using 1% of Their Brain
- One Texas high school football coach recently...
20 Office Potlucks That Were Decidedly Unlucky
- Office potlucks are bad at the best of times, but...
40 People Who Ran Out of Luck
- Sometimes things just don't go your way.
Not OSHA Compliant : 39 Cringeworthy Work Safety Fails
- No job is worth dying over and not all job sites are...
23 Mouth Breathers Trashing Up the Timeline
- This is the United States of America, aka the land of...
28 People Who Succeeded at Failing
- How does this even happen?
20 Bad Bosses Who Pushed Good Employees Over the Edge
- With bad bosses, even the toughest employees will...
24 Times Hypocrites Were Called Out on Their BS
- Do as I say and not as I do.
23 People Who Got Roasted to a Crisp
- Be careful out there.
23 Parking Jobs So Bad They Should Lose Their License
- Parking can be a surprisingly tough skill to learn as...
22 Guys Shamefully Share the Hints They Totally Missed...
- Be it youth, inexperience or an overabundance of...
26 Internet Tough Guys Who Are Walking Symbols of...
- Until someone puts them in their place, some men will...
20 Trashy Influencers Who Went Looking for Clout and...
- Whether outed as frauds, cancelled off their...
24 Dummies Making Life Harder Than it Needs to Be
- Not everybody is blessed with the gift of intelligence.
38 People That Fortune Did NOT Smile Upon
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way.
34 Entitled People Who Have 'Main Character Syndrome'
- These people need a reality check.
19 of the Worst Stories From Your Local Punk House
- If you’ve ever spent a significant amount of time in...
36 Sneaky Times When Advertisements Tricked Us
- Sometimes life bites, and it isn't always your fault.
40 Insane Things That Could Only Come From TikTok
- TikTok is proof that the kids do have a sense of humor.
40 Frustrating Examples of The Universe Playing...
- Mondays are tough, just be thankful yours isn't this...
The 28 Dumbest Reasons Folks Failed Their Driver Tests
- Clear the roads ...
24 Lawyers Share the Dumbest Thing a Client Has Done...
- They say that when you're facing legal consequences,...
30 People Who Found Surprises in the Fine Print
- Why won't they read? How do we get them to read?
20 People Share the Most Embarrassing Temper Tantrum...
- Just because adults are older than children, doesn't...
38 Examples of Google’s New 'A.I. Overview' Being...
- Google recently introduced its new "AI Overviews"...
22 Worksites That Need to Need Some Safety Training...
- Somebody get OSHA on the phone!
31 Fine Examples of DIY Engineers and Their...
- Just because you can, that doesn't mean you should.
27 Groan-Worthy Memes Your Parents Would Find...
- "L.O.L." — your mom after reading this article,...
30 People Who Had One Job and Failed It
- How does this even happen?
34 Infuriating Times People Got Singled Out by the...
- Sometimes life hands you lemons and sometimes it hands...
19 DoorDash Drivers With a Little Too Much Dash
- Don't cry over spilled milkshakes.
18 Animals That Flunked Evolution
- Somewhere in the ether, Charles Darwin is shaking his...
20 Doctors Reveal the Absolute Dumbest Patient They've...
- It's a good thing doctors are smart people, because...
22 People Share the Most Embarrassing Thing They've...
- Second hand embarrassment can be worse than the real...
22 Examples of Massive Corporate Incompetence and...
- How did Skype disappear the second the entire world...
14 People Celebrating Meltdown May In Style
- The month of May is known for flowers, the Indy 500,...
'You Can't Park There': 24 Cars In Places They're Not...
- Cars have wheels, and they're operated by people, and...
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