SpaceX Pranked the Stranded Astronauts with an Alien...
- Thank goodness there’s no Castle Doctrine in space.
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The 1970s Group That Claimed to Be Speaking to Aliens,...
- Well, this is interesting.
Watch a Monk Try to Play Super Mario Without Killing...
- Let’s get this guy to play GTA, huh?
‘Football-Sized’ UFO Caught Flying By Plane in New...
- Recently released audio features a U.S. military...
- It sure looks like it.
Remembering the Eeriest ‘Coast to Coast AM’ Call...
- This caller to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast claimed to...
Watch a Bunch of Musicians Re-Record Their Songs in...
- Somehow, the makers of The Sims convinced them to...
‘Energy Illustrators’ Say the Moon Landing Is Fake...
- All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.
20 Jokes For the Comedy Hall of Fame
- 20 legendary quips from Comedy's best and brightest
New Documentary Claims That Telepathy is Real, and...
- It’s pretty freaky.
Family Witnesses Two Cigar-Shaped Objects Materialize...
- What could they be?
Government Says the New Jersey Drones Were Authorized...
- Don’t you know that this will just cause more...
Alleged Alien Whistleblower Says We Can’t Speak to...
- Want to communicate with an extraterrestrial? Skip the...
Woman Says a Demon Told Her The World Will End in May...
- Well, it was nice knowing you.
‘Navy Psychic’ Claims That Gifted and Talented...
- You guys…don’t actually believe this woman, right?
UAP 'Whistleblower' Shares Video of Alleged Alien Body...
- Do we believe him?
This Woman Says She’s Being Haunted by the Silliest...
- I’m trying to take this seriously, but, c’mon.
This 1991 ‘Nintendo Therapy Session’ Shows Early...
- They were even complaining about a lack of backwards...
This New Game Controller Makes You Jack It Off
- I think I’ll pass.
Man Admits He’s Staging Fake Drone Scare Events
- It was only a matter of time before people started...
Ring Camera Catches Strange Object Floating Through...
- It’s drawing comparisons to the famed...
Weird Orb Spotted Over the Ocean in New Jersey
- Before you ask, it’s not the moon or stars this time.
Weird Glowing Craft Spotted Over Turkey
- And no one seems to know what it is.
10 Celebrities Who Claim to Have Seen or Been Abducted...
- They come in peace!
Spoiler Alert! - 13 Magic Tricks With Their Secrets...
- If you've ever pondered the secrets behind their...
Masters of the Craft: 28 Works of Art in the Form of...
- A collection of some impressive ink and skilled...
Get Me Out of Here: 20 Unexplained Paranormal...
- Was it the paranormal? These people still can't...
25 Things That Stopped Being Cool a Decade Ago
- These things were so cool back in the day, but if you...
Drone Appears to Be Shining a Spotlight on People in...
- It’s noting which people aren’t worth abducting.
Swarm of Glowing Orbs Spotted Over South America
- Just invade us already; I’m getting tired of this.
Mysterious UFO Spotted Over China, But It Could Just...
- I really want to believe.
Drones Have Now Been Spotted in Argentina
- New Jersey, Argentina — where will these boys go...
Ohio Air Force Base Shut Down Due to Suspicious Drone...
- What could it mean?
Trump Says He Knows What the New Jersey Drones Are,...
- C’mon, can’t you just give us a hint?
See a Drone? Just Shoot it Down, Says Congressman
- Solving this problem the American way!
Sheriff Says They Observed 50 Drones, Some of Which...
- I’m sure it’s fine.
Is This Orb an Alien Craft, or Just the Planet Venus?
- Okay, can we get some actual consistency about what...
Now Everyone Says They’re Seeing Drones
- Nothing like a good, old fashioned mass hysteria!
In Response to Drone Sightings, Government Says Not to...
- Good advice for life, that is.
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