22 Alien-Themed Memes and Works of Art for True...
- I was born in the wrong body, maybe even on the wrong...
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UAP 'Whistleblower' Shares Video of Alleged Alien Body...
- Do we believe him?
This Fish is Definitely an Alien
- Alright, I’m not okay with this.
The Truth is Out There: 12 Recent UFO Sightings Making...
- Following former United States Army...
48 Pics from the Original 'Alien' to Remind You Where...
- Before there was Cailee Spaeny there was Sigourney...
Bootleg Movies: 7 Cursed Foreign E.T. Knockoffs
- Who knew E.T. was such a beloved figure around the...
20 Extraterrestrial Facts About 'Alien' Even a...
- In space, no one can hear you gasp while reading these...
'Teleporting' UFO of Orange Lights Moves Across the...
- It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s aliens?
34 Mexican Alien Memes That Are Out of This World Funny
- While most people care more about our own crumbling...
'Looks Like A Facehugger, Bro': Horror Fans Terrified...
- The Xenomorph from the Alien series is alive, well,...
A Compilation of Skinwalkers and Shape Shifters...
- Right now you can't blame anyone for being suspicious...
What in the Heck is This Strange Alien Like Creature?
- A strange creature that was tall, very thing, naked,...
Meta's Horizon World Is a 10 Billion Dollar Garbage...
- You'd think they could fix that hairline in VR?
25 Unsettling Facts About Our Universe
- The universe is full of mysteries waiting to be...
All 11 Mortal Kombat Guest Characters, Ranked From...
- Mortal Kombat has a plethora of guests characters who...
Classic Sci-Fi Films That Inspired the Metroid...
- Metroid is Nintendo's answer to the sci-fi genre -- an...
Strange Looking Creature Captured Transforming on...
- Amazing ROV footage (remotely operated vehicle) of a...
15 Frightening Horror Games
- Waiting for Resident Evil 8 and Lady Dimitrescu to get...
15 Odd Video Game Adaptations That Worked Amazingly
- Some stories just don't work as movies.
Supposed Footage of Bigfoot From the 2017 Documentary...
- Sasquatch compilation filmed with modern equipment....
Possible Entrance To an Underwater UFO Base In Santa...
- Many people have made videos or written articles on...
Video Makes Claim That Photos of Real Aliens or...
- Are these authentic photos of real aliens or...
This Inflatable Alien Abduction Halloween Costume...
- Best costume ever?
A "Giant Alien Face" Was Recently Discovered in...
- Is this a natural formation, or perhaps something a...
Storm Area 51 Memes Causes Pornhub's Alien Porn Search...
- Pornhub stats show that women age 18-24 were 30% more...
18 Fascinating Facts About Some Of Your Favorite Movies
- Some really interesting and surprising facts about...
Woman Claims Her Security System Captured an "Elf" on...
- Footage of what appears to be Dobby the house elf from...
Jorge Rios Charged In Jersey City Jogger Killing
- An illegal immigrant from Honduras had already been...
Mitt Romney Blows Out Candles Like An Alien
- Mitt Romney's staff decided to surprise him with a...
The Weird Alien Fish Is The Strangest Thing You Will...
- This deep sea creature is what nightmares are made of.
Watch a Near-Indestructible Alien-Like Creature Enjoy...
- Pull your pants up, it's science time. A scientist was...
Harvard Scientists Say That An Alien Probe May Have...
- Harvard scientists using the power of math and science...
50 Great Pics And Memes to Improve Your Mood
- Funny, weird and WTF images that will make your day...
Mysterious Star Map Carved In Gold Shows Alien...
- A mysterious star map shows stars that cannot be seen...
8 Horror Games That'll Actually Scare You On Friday...
- Approved by a horror game fan.
Watch Zuckerberg Get Rekt When Asked What Hotel He...
- Grilled like a hot dog at this week's House hearing.
The Truth Behind The Famous Alien Skeleton Is Revealed
- Turns out it's not an alien after all.
Why Discovering Alien Life Would Be Humanity's Doom
- If we are not the only intelligent life in the...
Illegal Immigrant Who Murdered Two Cops Shows No...
- Luis Enriquez Bracamontes who lives in Sacramento,...
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