Weiner Blasts GOP Foes of 911 Workers Health Fund
- New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner unleashes a...
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Drunk Approaches Midget in Wheelchair
- And absolutely loves him, really.
Double Rainbow! OMG! What does this mean?
- omg its a triple rainbow what does this mean????...
Arm Wrestling Match Ends Brutally
- Keep your volume low on this one, just sayin'
Female Reporter Swallows Fly
- She inhaled it, but spits it back up.
Backflip Fail
- "That hurt." Oh, you mean this?
Bike Stunt Fail
- Probably isn't the best way to ride the rails.
Tarp Surfing
- So this is the new sport?
Uhaul Loading Fail
- Who does that?
Kid Attempts Backflip
- It turns out the grass is not as soft as he though.
Fat Kid Gets Owned By Slap
- Prescription: Big Mac, Double Down, and Baconator and...
Jessi Slaughter - Kerligirl13 - Original Video
- Video that stemmed the hate here:...
Epic Treadmill Fail
- Muscle guy tries to show off to his brother but the...
Guy Does Backflip Against Wall
- Then decides to do it again...resulting in a face...
Little Kid On Bike Face Plants
- Wow, that other kid was a dick.
Live News Reporter Falls on Kid
- At Skate Camp, what a fat bastard.
Fat Kid Goes Insane
- After getting air horned in the face. I wish it was a...
Owned Compilation
- Some great fails...some oldies but goodies!
Girl Tries To Do Back Flip On News
- But does a face plant instead, twice!
Light Warfare
- Light mini gun bruh.
Painful Kayak Accident
- oops...painful and well done.
Sand Tastes Good
- the beach faceplaint delivers again
I've Been Captured By The Germans!
- An older gentleman was having a drink at a pub and...
Ladder Pool Jump Fail
- oops...painfull...
If Someone Slips..
- He is going to end up in the fire. Thats right.
Norwegian Skier Responds to a Female Interviewer
- Just watch for yourself.
Fat Dude Faceplants on Powerisers
- And flops.
Kid Breaks Leg And Bone Sticks Out After Trampoline...
- WARNING GRAPHIC: Kids all run screaming from the gym...
German Soccer Coach Joachim Low Eats His Own Booger
- He couldn't resist.
Cute Cat Relaxing
- you got some weed bro?
Weatherman Spock
- What a pathetic dork!
Wrestling Fan Gets His Ass Beat
- Moron pushes wrestler too far then actually takes the...
215 Pairs of Underwear
- skid-marks on layers 1 to 78...
Cartwheel of Death
- I was feeling really extreme this day. I had never...
70 Pound Punching Bag Owns Dude's Crotch
- For God's sake man, why?
Scary Uncle
- This is my Uncle... He is nuts. Add 'Treasure Hunters...
DocH's Fucking Metal Bear
- Speed metal ftw.
Kid Ski Jumps Off From School Roof Fail
- Well, That turned out great.
Kitty wearing a tiny hat...
- Gets bitch slapped for doing so...
Swing Fail
- He was doing well...until the end.
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