Baby Hates Cat Sounds
- Adorable 4 month old baby loves dog bark but not cat...
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Cat Makes Slick Move To Evade Dog
- How the cat outsmarted dog.
TINY Kitten vs HUGE Dog
- Heart of a tiger is what you call that!!
Cat Jump Fail
- This cat accumulates all its energy and attempts a...
Spaz Cat Defends Position
- He should have followed with a right.
Did You Just Whack Off a Plant?
- Try this at home kids!
Collective Soul Cat
- Nailed it.
Cat Chillaxing!
- Cat dozing off in the sun enjoying the scenery.
Ultimate Cat Compilation
- Purrfect for Caturday.
Tourists Teasing Tigers In Thailand
- This seems wrong on so many levels.
Cat Scare Fail
- Guy trying to scare his cat gets owned.
Dog And Cat Fight Over Cheeseburger
- A battle to see who can haz!
Kitten Bitch Slaps Robot
- What did the furry paw say to the face? SLAP!
Super Fast Ninja Cat
- This cat is faster than his own shadow.
Cat and Dog Friends Forever
- So nice and friendly :)
Chill Cat Says Peace Out
- C-ya later man!
Freak Cat Won't Let Go Of The Meat
- "That's my cat!" - Gollum
Puppy And Kitten Cuddle
- D'awwwww!
Death Metal Fat Cat Drum Cover
- My cat would literally shred if i tried this with him.
Teddy The Asshole Cat
- what a jerk!
Pigeon Plays Cat For a Fool
- Owned!
Cat Being Chased By Dog Surfs To Safety
- A cat displays his quick thinking and agility by...
Animals Acting Like Sharks Week
- Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the...
Ninja Cat Wants Balloons
- Cat goes into ninja mode to get his paws on some...
Card Cat Trick
- Nice CATch!
Cat Sneaking Up On Hawk
- Maybe it's not such a good idea...
Kitten Attack
- Big Bad Kitty is gonna getcha!
Frigging Cat Drank My Beer
- I set my glass of beer down and the cat drank the...
Cat Jumps From Burning Building
- Good thing he took the crowd's advice!
Pissed Off Tiger
- Never try to pet an animal bigger than you!
Wait for it......Cat and Hummingbird
- Awesome detail in slo-mo.
RC Copter Made Out of a Dead Cat's Corpse
- Shut up and take my money!
Cat and Prairie Dog Love
- That prairie dog wants lots of hugs!
These Are Animals...
- Some cute, some not...
Spiderman Cat
- Cats........Your Funyun's are not safe anywhere!
Cat Takes a Leap of Faith
- What jumps on to a broken ceiling fan must come down.
You Shall Not Pass!
- That rat has balls!
Eye Of The Kittens
- Everybody can change!
Cat vs Mirror
- The epic battle continues.
Monkey Adopts Kitten!
- A caring monkey decides to be a mother figure to this...
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