Boat Slingshots Solid-Steel Bollard Through the Air
- The launch of a new boat accidentally slingshotted a...
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Sinkhole Sucks Away Swimming Pool in Seconds
- A sinkhole opened up inside of a swimming pool,...
Lab-Created "Mutant Troops" Reason Russian Advance...
- A Russian parliamentary commission has claimed Ukraine...
New Security Footage Shows 'Sky King' Richard Russell...
- You may remember the story of "Rich" the "Sky King",...
Our Storied Past: 29 Historical Photos That Need a Bit...
- Times are always changing, but in a lot of ways...
28 Pics Filled With NOPE
- Things that not many people want.
Dude Ducks Underwater to Dodge Beirut Explosion
- In a rarer, lesser-known angle of the insane 2020...
27 Wild and Crazy Things People Put in Their Wills
- Some real strange things.
Dude KO's a Bulldozer Coming to Demolish His Home With...
- A man in China fended off a scheduled demolition of...
Not Another Batch of Absolutely ‘Nope’ Photos
- It's safe to say these might creep you out.
26 WTF Wrong Number Texts
- Be glad these weren't sent to you.
Small Town Tall Tales That You Have to Read to Believe
- Enter at your own peril past the town's door, where...
25 Wedding Moments of Unholy WTF-Levels
- Weddings are usually sweet gatherings of family and...
Interesting History Facts They Didn't Teach You In...
- School is an extremely important part of life, as it...
22 Dangerous Places to Avoid Entirely
- Even the slightest blunder can cost you your life....
Blast from the Past: 24 Once Popular Things That Need...
- Plenty of old things have been outdated and forgotten...
Aluminum Factory Explodes like a Portal to Hell Itself
- An aluminum factory in Seville, Spain burst into...
23 'Nope' Photos That No One Asked For
- A collection of nightmare-inducing things that no one...
Iranian Beach Looks Like Start of the Apocalypse
- The red beach of Hormuz, Iran looks like something out...
Entitled Client Gets a Full Refund For a Video But...
- The customer thinks he should still be able to use the...
CHECK out this Compilation of the Dirtiest Hockey Hits...
- Some of the nastiest, hardest, and most diabolical...
35 Photoshopped Memes to Tickle Your Pickle
- Check out this batch of funny and WTF pics that took...
27 Car Memes For the Civilized Motorist
- These'll get your motor running, or at least a few...
44 Unhinged Posts From the Nextdoor App
- Funny, bizarre, and straight-up weird posts spotted on...
16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True
- The times conspiracy theorists were actually right.
25 Real Facts That Are Actually Insane
- Some facts to impress your friends with... if they...
Paraglider Lands on the Wrong Roof, Jumps off to Evade...
- Security told him to get down, so he did.
23 Tourist Traps and Famous Places That You Should...
- Just because someplace is famous, doesn't mean you...
25 Things in Everyday Life That are Actually Scams
- Some of the scams we've come to accept as part of...
25 Commonly Accepted ‘Facts’ That Are Pure BS
- Humanity relies on data and information. Hence facts...
25 People Reveal Crazy Secrets After Their NDA's...
- Want to know some industry-standard secrets that many...
The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Have Ever Said
- Some doctors are better than others. But we expect...
25 Pics Packed to the Brim with NOPE
- You definitely won't want this stuff. No, no thanks,...
17 People Who Asked to Get Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got what they asked for.
20 WTF Animal Facts That We Never Realized Were True
- Ever wonder what actually goes on in the animal...
Influencer Facing Charges After Starting Forest Fire...
- Pakistani TikTok influencer Humaira Asghar is facing...
29 People Who Were Called "Idiots" But Were Actually...
- They were right all along.
16 People Confess Incredibly Dark Family Secrets
- Be thankful you're not in these families.
32 People Who Have No Grip On the Real World
- They have no clue about the real world.
29 'No Thanks, I'm Good' Type Photos Even the Devil...
- Get ready to activate your NOPE.
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