20 Food Service Employees Share the Worst Customers...
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32 Times the Customer Was Flat Out Wrong
- When customers are the dumbest people on Earth.
Excuse me, What? - 24 Customers Who Made Really Weird...
- Ask anybody in the service industry, and they'll tell...
Customers Who Were Spot-On When Describing Noises...
- Customer States: This video has a collection of...
Hotel Receptionist Holds Her Own Against Con-Man Karen
- The customer is definitely not always right.
DoorDash Driver Confronts Customer Who Got Him Fired...
- A Doordash driver confronts a customer who got him...
Manager Mistakes Customer for Interviewee and Reveals...
- Nothing like accidentally revealing that your business...
Two Men Banned For Life from Shooting Range after...
- A customer pointed his pistol at his friend for a...
28 Work Memes to Sideline Your Productivity
- Make sure you finish these work memes by 5:00 PM...
Fast Food Workers Fed Up, Throwing Hands to Make Ends...
- The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since...
10 Coolest Things Ever Created In Minecraft
- In its own way, Minecraft may be the ultimate video...
28 Work Memes For When You've Had Enough
- These memes will distract you from work but are still...
Customer Complains About Noise Coming From His Car and...
- A mechanic checks out a suspicious rattle coming from...
Karen Goes Quiet After Tech Support Proves Her...
- Turns out, her precious son was seriously messing...
Old Lady Hit With Trip Cancellation Fees After Husband...
- She helped her avoid a mountain of cancellation fees.
Woman Who Left Fake Negative Review Gets Owned by...
- Take several seats, Jo. You're about to get wrecked.
Customer Challenges Chinese Retaurant to Make Hottest...
- Careful what you wish for!
Weaponized Donut Teaches Karen to Stop Complaining...
- Careful what you wish for!
Angry Customer Sarcasticallly Asks to be Called 'Big...
- When you work in tech support, you take any chance you...
Customer Screws Himself by Demanding Exact Weight of...
- Congratulations, you played yourself!
32 Customer Service Horror Stories That Plumb the...
- Contrary to popular belief, the customer ISN'T always...
The Very Real Dangers of Ignoring Customer Requests
- When a customer makes a specific dietary request, it's...
Rude Customer Insists on Speaking to a Man, Gets His...
- You'd think in 2020 we'd be past this kinda stupidity...
Server Uses Malicious Compliance to Show Customer How...
- This guy got exactly what he had coming, and the...
Rude Karen Follows Guy Into Men's Bathroom Before...
- Serious, WTF Karen?!
Woman Trying to Keep Her Hands Clean Gets Sanitized in...
- When trying to do the right thing goes horribly wrong.
Rude Customer Gets A Taste Of Her Own Medicine
- This girl repeatedly treated workers at this store...
Starbucks Employee Writes "Beaner" on Mexican's Cup...
- This Starbucks employee writes the word "Beaner" on a...
17 Karen Memes that are a Manager's Worst Nightmare
- Memes about those people who go above and beyond to...
Drive-Thru Employee Enjoys a Romantic Moment as Cars...
- When all you wanted to do was to order food, but...
Man Pretends to be Customer Support and Trolls People...
- They always said "trolling is a art form" and this man...
Loader Doesn't Give A Damn and Obliges Know-it-All...
- Instead of arguing with a know-it-all customer, this...
Jackie Chan When His Stunts Go Wrong
- Just in case you didn't know, Jackie Chan does all of...
25 Times the Customer Was Dead Wrong
- If you have ever worked in customer service, or the...
Angry Woman Claims Fast Food Restaurant Gave Her A...
- You have to love a good ol' fashion restaurant freak...
Woman Goes Crazy Inside Of Costco And Destroys Store
- The police are forced to show up when this crazy lady...
Woman Breaks down at McDonald's Because She Can't Get...
- This lady at a San Francisco area McDonald's goes...
Rude Customer Gets Instant Karma From Spiteful Cashier...
- This was the best $30 she ever spent.
Ridiculous Customer Gets Called Out By Restaurant Owner
- There is no shortage of people in the world with...
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