32 Piss-Drunk Lads to Celebrate Being Piss-Drunk
- Make this St. Paddy's Day a, ugh, hang on I'm gonna...
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A Drunk Dude Had to Be Fished Out of the River in D.C....
- The first of many.
Drunk Dude Pissing on the Ground Makes Perfect...
- This is German culture!
Dude Wakes Up to Discover He Ate the Whole Hotel...
- That’s the whole vacation budget spent.
Sheriff Arrested After Drunkenly Showing Up to Man’s...
- He’s since been indicted on two charges.
46 Drunk People Passed-Out in Public
- Some folks are so excited to get to sleep, they make...
32 Sloshy Pics from a Very Drunk Christmas
- Christmas is a time to be with family and loved ones,...
Man Takes Video to Prove He’s Sober, Quickly Proves...
- It can be hard to know when you’ve had too much.
Drunk Woman Crashes Directly Into Someone’s House
- She’s in for one hell of a hangover.
Man’s Drunk Golf Cart Drive Doesn’t Last Long
- For a minute, I’m sure it was pretty fun!
Entire Subway Car Cheers on Woman Carrying Her Drunk...
- Get yourself a friend like this!
Man Ruins Massive Pool Competition with Just One Beer...
- With great drunkenness comes great irresponsibility.
Man’s Drunk Stumbling Perfectly Syncs With Freeform...
- This might actually get you into jazz!
Drunk Dude Falls For What Feels Like Forever
- C’mon, dude — just do it or don’t!
Dude in Amsterdam Had a Bit Too Much to Drink
- Ths is why you don't pass out near a canal.
Drunk Brits Get Interviewed the Day Before Drunk...
- It’s hard to believe, but there was a long period in...
Pig Gets Into Beer Stash, Gets Hammered
- You’ve heard of “drunk as a skunk” — now, say...
Drunk Dude Falls Off High Chair in Slow Motion
- As we learn over and over again, one of the things...
Drunk Friends Try and Fail to Use an Escalator
- Lots of things are hard when you’re drunk.
We’re Not Sure If This Guy Is Drunk, Or If This Is...
- Life hack: If the police accuse you of a crime, you...
Drunk Woman on the Street Has Only One Thing on Her...
- There’s a cottage industry of dudes with microphones...
Passed Out England Fan Balances a Full Beer on His Head
- The Euros are in full swing and English soccer (sorry,...
Drunk British Lad Kicked Off of Flight to Ibiza
- While the TSA would never recommend it, getting drunk...
JoJo Siwa Got Drunk At Disney And Made People Sing Her...
- Siwa, who turned 21 on May 19th, previously announced...
5 of the Most Successful Drunk People in History
- Earlier this year, a Redditor made an incredible post...
Drunk Ninja Turtle Misjudges Crowd and Stage Dives...
- The first rule of stage diving is, know your audience.
'He's Drunk Again': Cop Slams His Own Police Chief...
- The chief and sergeant ended up on the hood of a...
Waste Management PGA Event Fulfills Promise, Devolves...
- This weekend's Waste Management open truly lived up to...
Exotic Dancer Tries to Seduce Cop, Throws ‘Drunk’...
- Bodycam footage shows a 20-year-old exotic dancer...
Entitled Drunk Flees in Tesla, Cries for Daddy When...
- On February 21, 2022, in Florida, officers were...
Drunk and Stubborn: Girl Turns Into a Maniac Once...
- On April 7, 2023 in Florida, Officers Goree and...
Drunk T-Mobile Employee Deletes Woman’s Entire...
- One very unlucky T-Mobile customer got a whole lot...
Traffic Blocking A-Hole Gets Instant, Tackling Karma...
- One guy out on the streets of Melbourne Australia...
Employee Forced to Come in on Her Day Off, Boss...
- It's not good to go to work drunk, but this boss...
Drunk Boston Dudes Sneak Into an Aquarium at Night and...
- Boston is a very special place. After all, where else...
15 'Would You Rather' Questions That Left People...
- One of the most popular drinking games in the book;...
20 People Share Their Wildest and Weirdest Party...
- Whether you went to high school, college, or just...
All the Most Insane Riot Clips from UConn Fans...
- Let's call this exactly what it is; rioting.
15 People Share Horror Stories About Their Trashy...
- Neighbors are the absolute worse. Put them up there...
20 People Who Attended Their HS Reunion Share What...
- I don't have a dog in this fight, as I moved away from...
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