Elephant Has Perfect Aim
- Hit him with a spitball.
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Luckiest Man In The World
- I F*cking Love Elephants!!
Dog Thinks He Is An Elephant
Don't F with Elephants
- Who still says "yours truly" anymore?
Nasty Surprise for Elephant Family
- Mother takes care of it, like a boss
Elephant Massage
- I'm not sure will he ever have kids again, but he...
Cool Notebook Stop Motion Animation
- He is way more productive in his free time than me
Rhino Interupts Elephant Ride
- they owe that elephant a beer
Elephant Seal Wake Up Prank
- Slowly creep up on this big bastard and then..........
Dancing Baby Elephant Plays The Harmonica
- Dancing Baby Elephant plays harmonica is some little...
Elephant Eats Da Poo Poo
- Elephant analingus
I promise..." I'll never complain about my job again" !
- Just a few jobs you'll be glad that you are not doing.
Baby Elephant Sneeze
- Scares The Crap Out Of Himself
Elephant Eats Poop
- out of his m8s ass
Elephant Fail
- just watch his expression...
Elephant Attack
- An elephant goes after a worker at a zoo, who must...
Corwin Attacked
- Jeff Corwin nearly gets his arm ripped off by an...
Elephants Swimming
- I had no clue that elephants could swim this well.
Elephant Uses Toilet
- Potty trained elephant wow!
Elephant Soccer
- This elephant is one serious soccer player!
- Some people shouldn't visit other countries.
Elephant Attack
- It's best not to piss off things 10 times your size.
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