Pilot Makes Emergency Landing After Cockpit...
- Amateur pilot and pianist Narine Melkumjan recorded a...
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10 Terrifying Facts About Airline Disasters You Should...
- We all consciously know that flying is by far the...
15 Survival Tips To Keep You Around Longer
- You never know what the difference-maker might be.
25 Basic Life Skills That Are In Short Supply
- By definition, most people should have many basic...
Emergency Responder Shares Insane Things Heard on the...
- Being a first responder is no joke, but that doesn't...
Student Pilot Loses Engine, Emergency Lands Like a Boss
- Thanks to remembering his training (and having some...
14 Legit Survival Techniques That Could Save Your Life
- Useful even if your life isn't an action movie.
Obnoxious Rookie Cop Blocks Emergency Vehicles,...
- You'd think as a first responder, this cop would've...
'I'm Blocked In': Karen Demands Ambulance Treating...
- Karen is very dissatisfied with ambulance blocking her...
Good Samaritan Jumps into Moving Car to Save a Man...
- Authorities have hailed a northern Illinois man a hero...
Moron with Airsoft Guns Gets Taken Out by NYPD Swat
- NYPD's Emergency Services Unit swooped onto the roof...
Crane Operator Stuck in Tower During Nashville Tornado...
- Crane operator Jason Nash was working nearly 400ft up...
Ambulance Driver Cusses Out Idiot Drivers Who are...
- EMT responding to emergency gets upset at drivers on...
Jon Stewart was Given a Signed Fireman's Jacket by...
- After a passionate and fiery testimony to the...
Guy's Super Glue Dildo Prank Sends Their Friend to the...
- Even the dogs were in on this prank, chomping on the...
Additional Footage of the Russian Plane Crash Will...
- A Russian plane
Russian Plane On Fire Makes An Insane Emergency Landing
- At least 13 people are dead after a fire broke out...
Student Pilot Makes Emergency Pee Landing on Busy...
- This small Cessna made an emergency landing on a...
Deadly Accident Involving Bus and Semi is Horrific
- A Greyhound bus and a semi-truck collided on...
Scary Mid-Flight Engine Failure Forces Emergency...
- This happened over Ufa, Russia on August 22, 2018....
Plane Attempts to Land on Busy California Highway
- This happened on August 11, 2018, in San Leandro,...
Panic on the Plane as a Battery Charger Catches Fire
- A guy seated next to the fire doused it with a cup of...
A Boy Ate 150 Gummy Vitamins For Breakfast. This Is...
- And you thought vitamins were good for you.
Small Plane Pilot Makes a Harrowing Landing
- pilot landed a small plane on a street in Los Angeles,...
House Explodes Right in Front of Police's Faces as...
- Police arrive to the scene of a car that has wrecked...
This Guy's Prank Might Be The Worst Wedding Proposal...
- Make sure your significant other is in tears before...
Awesome Emergency Evacuation Design For High Rise...
- You either overcome your fear of claustrophobia or you...
Air Asia Plane Shaking Like A Washing Machine Makes An...
- That's sketchy as hell! They are all WAY calmer that...
Massive 24 Story Tower Fire In A London Apartment...
- 47 firetrucks and 200 firefighters were on the scene...
Prisoners Break Free To Save Guard's Life
- Inmates respond to a cell guard's medical emergency.
DMCA - Skydiving Plane Makes An Emergency Landing
- This pilot ducks set of power lines, clips a truck...
Emergency - Remi Gaillard
- The devious prankster is back at it again!
It's Time To Put The Camera Down
- People never miss a moment to take a picture!
The 2005 Jet Blue Emergency Landing
- The landing gear malfunctions but the pilot manages to...
The 28 Best "Actual Advice Mallards"
- Life hacks, sage wisdom, and dating tips from an...
Leopard Tank Emergency Brake Test
- How good are the brakes on this tank? Stand right...
Leopard Tank Emergency Brake Test
- How good are the brakes on this tank? Stand right...
911 Call Over Beer Dispute
- He even tries to hit on the operator!
Guy In E.R. With Dislocated Foot
- Doctors manually twist it back into place.
Emergency Alert System Hacked
- Warns of Montana Zombie Apocalypse on live TV!
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