Well, We're Officially One Step Closer to the "Rise of...
- The new "Parkour Atlas" footage released by Boston...
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35 People Who Are Real Redneck MacGyvers
- Trust me, babe, I know what I'm doing okay.
Ants Build Mind-Blowing Bridge to Invade Wasp Nest
- These army ants built an impressive bridge in order to...
Astronaut Went to Space Without Something Important
- In space, no one can hear you FAIL.
36 Ingenious Pieces Of Redneck Engineering
- Don’t knock until you try it!
The World's Largest NERF Gun Shoots Darts At 40 MPH!
- It shoots toilet plungers wrapped in pool noodles!
Monster Machines: 27 Truly Massive Machines That...
- Humans have created some insanely impressive machines.
Genius Examples of Redneck Engineering
- Clever people solving problems... with whatever they...
15 Times Duct Tape Came To The Rescue
- Creative uses for the product that can fix just about...
26 Clues That You're in The Ghetto
- If you see any of these telltale signs, you are...
18 Ways to Know Finances Are Tight
- It's time to either get another job, or a fewer kid.
Paper Airplane Machine Gun
- This guy made a gun that rapidly folds and shoots...
14 Places That Really Exist On Our Planet
- Sometimes it's hard to decide whether humans or nature...
4.1 Litre V8 Australian Chainsaw
- I pity the tree fool who stands in my way!
How To Turn a Drill Into A Monster Shotgun!
- A drill and a nautilus shaped spiral track fire a ball...
30 Perfect Examples of Redneck Engineering
- Don't call the repairman, I can fix it myself...
Best Of: Redneck Engineering
- Sometiems you just have to make do with what you got!
Dorky Students See Girls Dance For The First Time
- Engineering kids get to see hot girls dance .....'for...
Insane Tennis Ball Cannon
- Engineered Propane Tennis Ball Cannon. I bet your Dog...
Paralyzed Dog Runs Again Thanks to Her Engineering...
- Though she only has two functioning legs, Roxy decides...
A Cloned Cat Glows In The Dark
- This is my long lost brother MrGreenJeans. He's been...
eBaum's Picks