Tin Foil Hat Time: 21 Things That Seem LIke Conspiracy...
- Usually when something sounds too crazy to be true,...
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30 Companies Clearly Not Above Questionable Practices
- We all want to make money but some people and...
20 Historical Facts That Are Just Plain False
- So we've collected some well-known historical facts...
20 Common Facts That Are Total Nonsense
- We hear them all the time. Quips and factoids that...
24 Facts And Beliefs That Are Actually False
- Common beliefs that aren't really true.
Gulf War Facts That Should Have Been Kept Secret
- The first Gulf War changed the landscape of American...
22 Fake Things That People Still Believe
- Just because it's been proven wrong, doesn't mean...
Common Modern Day Scams - 22 Pseudosciences People...
- Pseudoscience theories people annoyingly treat as fact.
13 People Getting Called Out for Lying on the Internet
- It's just a bunch of BS.
26 Debunked History Facts We All Believed for a While
- Think you'd beat a Neanderthal at chess?
20 Facts That Sound Real, But Aren't
- You can't believe everything you read on the internet.
11 Common Myths Debunked
- Things everyone believes that aren't true.
Lawyers Reveal the Laws People Swear Exist But...
- The justice system is an INCREDIBLY complex beast, and...
Internet Liars Who Got Called out on Their S**t
- Just a bunch of liars getting called out.
City Commissioner Savagely Calls Out a Police Officer...
- Broward County cop Joshua Gallardo is awarded Deputy...
Cops Illegally Confiscate Man's Phone, Accidentally...
- While the evidence certainly looks damning, an...
All The News Anchors that Were Given The Line...
- Is this further poof that everything you see is...
Instagram Vs. Reality Exposes the Truth Behind Those...
- A harsh look at the deceptive practices used by...
Cop Shuts Woman Down When She Tries to Accuse Him of...
- This outspoken Sergeant lays it out in black & white...
Woman Hits Herself to Falsely Accuse Her Husband of...
- An innocent husband faced 7 years in Jail after his...
'Corner-store Caroline' Calls Cops on Little Black Boy...
- White woman calls the cops on young black boy after...
Man Who Spent 22 Years on Death Row Was Exonerated by...
- Joe Rogan interviews Nick Yarris who tells a tragic...
Guy Discovers Some Fraudulent Practices Happening At...
- Ah the classic bait and switch, it'll get you every...
28 Examples of Product Packaging that is Downright...
- When companies use trickery to stiff the consumer.
Are Home DNA Tests Just A Scam?
- Triplets "shocked" to learn their DNA is different...
11 Fake Animal Facts that are Funny and Ridiculous
- Of course they're true... It's on the internet!
First World Problems That Are Too Difficult To Handle
- Life just really sucks sometimes...
35 Things You Believe That Aren't Even True
- Exposing common myths and misconceptions.
Unbelievable Facts That May Be A Bit Sketchy
- Interesting info that probably isn't true...
Twin Towers Were Rigged With Explosives
- 911 conspiracy theory using reason, science and facts...
17 Truths You Can't Argue With
- I declare these statements to be absolute truths!
Incredible Deceptions That Really Happened
- Gutsy scams and elaborate hoaxes that took place in...
12 Lies Everyone Accepts As Fact
- Everything you have been told is a lie! It's time to...
Are These Random Facts True or False?
- Test out your "bullsh*t detector" on these random...
16 Historical "Facts" That Are Totally False
- This gallery is like a sacred cow slaughterhouse.
Advertising Vs Reality
- More reasons why you shouldn't believe everything you...
Nancy Grace: Pot Will Make You Violent
- According to Nancy Grace, Marijuana makes you shoot,...
GTA V Mythbusters: Episode 8
- Discover more of the facts and fictions in GTA V!
LAX Shooting Dummy Victim?
- A mannequin in a wheelchair, or a legitimate victim?
The Tiny Lies They Tell Us
- False advertising...
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