Germany’s NFL Analysts Demonstrate 'Der Tush-Push,'...
- What’s going on over there?
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German Island Announces It Will No Longer Hit Women on...
- Hey, good for them.
Inside the German Town Where They Pretend It’s the...
- Germany has a bizarre obsession. No, it’s not skull...
American Woman Retrofits Her German Apartment With Not...
- Potentially one of the biggest cultural differences...
Dudes Who Booked a German "Hotel" Show Up and Find a...
- You never know what to expect when booking...
German Dude Gets Vaccinated 217 Times, Is Totally Fine
- This man’s got so many microchips he produces his...
The Most Stereotypical Person From 20 Random Countries
- The world is a vast place with all different types...
The ‘Amusement Park’ Ride That Will Steal Your Soul
- No thanks, I'm good. I'm just gonna go grab a waffle...
Protestors Glue Their Hands to Conductor's Stand,...
- These German climate protestors failed to take...
The Magdeburg Unicorn is The Worst Fossil...
- In 1663, Prussian scientist Otto von Geuricke found a...
25 Shocking Facts About Uber
- Uber transformed the taxi experience. Learn some more...
These German Burger King Items Are Freaking Americans...
- What the hell is going on here?
Miami Scientist Arrested and Charged as a Russian Spy
- A tale of self-destruction and Russian spies.
25 Insane World War 2 Facts You’ve Never Heard
- The better part of a century after it ended, we still...
Hamster in Cage Rigged to Buy/Sell Crypto Outperforms...
- Mr. Goxx is a German hamster who was beating the S&P...
Two Mean Nearly Crushed to Death When Crane Cable...
- These two guys better rush straight to the store and...
10 Video Games That Were Banned for WTF Reasons
- Games have been banned over the years for a many...
10 Video Games That Were Banned for WTF Reasons
- Games have been banned over the years for a many...
Cool Side-By-Side Videos From a Suspended Railway...
- The Wuppertal Suspension Railway, or Wuppertaler...
34 Memes and Pics Made Just For You
- Seriously juuust for you. Nobody else.
21 Perfect Pics Just In Time For Oktoberfest
- It's late September so of course Germans celebrate...
Woman Actually Sings Lamb of God on The Voice in...
- Stefanie Stuber impressed everyone on German The Voice...
Kite Surfer Films a Meteor in the Middle of the Day by...
- A German kite surfer captured a celestial event by...
The Brutal Murders at Hinterkaifeck, Germany - EBW...
- In April of 1922, the sleepy German region of Kaifeck...
Rhino's Strength On Full Display As It a Flips Car...
- It's unknown what caused this rhino at a safari park...
1,000 Musicians Rock Out To Rage Against The Machine's...
- I wanna go this concert!
Hitler High On Meth At The 1936 Olympics
- Hitler was known to always be on something whether is...
Nigerian Man Goes On A Window Smashing Spree In...
- A 19-year-old Nigerian man smashes windows out of...
Pickpocket Caught Red-handed Gets Thrown Into A...
- At a carnival in Germany, a pickpocket is caught...
Pickpocket Caught Red-handed Gets Thrown Into A...
- At a carnival in Germany, a pickpocket is caught...
Father and Daughter Come Across an Unexpected Stampede
- A father and daughter in Germany came upon a surreal...
Laughing at These 21 History Memes Will Make you...
- Learning is dank!
Cops Get Bombed by Roman Candle
- It was a Mexico victory parade for winning against...
35 Weirdest Moments Ever Photographed
- Have you ever seen anything so strange that it left...
Bad-Ass/Moron Drives Right Through a F*cking Tornado
- Car takes a direct hit from a violent tornado in...
Watching A Manhole Cover Being Replaced Is Way More...
- Construction crew in Germany quickly replaces a...
1940s German Safe Is A Time Capsule To A Disturbing...
- The things they keep from back then, tells more than...
Sean Spicer: "Hitler Didn't Use Chemical Weapons."...
- President Trump's press secretary put his foot in his...
Man Brings In Watch He Bought In The 60s To Antiques...
- In Tucson, Antiques Roadshow ran into this man who...
Couple's Surreal Reaction to Gunshots of Munich Shooter
- Not one shred of self-preservation to be seen here.
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