It's A Tough Job, But Someone Has To Do It
- a baker will pick the occasional cherry off a pie...
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The Scariest Job In the World
- Oh my god. What if he falled?
Kickass Bear Robot Does Everything
- Pedobear?? No!! RoboBear.
When A Soldier Comes Home
- Things are a bit different, after war.
Epic Vortex Gun
- The three pigs would have a run for their money if a...
The Shirtless Cupid
- at Utah State Basketball shirtless cupid bill does his...
What to do When You're Bored at Work
- 1. Kill a few flies 2. Put them in the sun to dry...
What's Spanish For Fail?
- Mexico's finest on the job. evil doers beware
Mr Teste...Job Hunting
- Watch Mr Teste (edbassmaster) while he tries to get a...
Rejected by McDonalds?
- That's got to hurt!
Hilarious Retro Dawn Commercial
- You want a blow job?
Daily BJ
- A typical guy's ideal night.These guys have some...
Very Unusual Job Interview
- Tip: Don't go into a job interview like this guy
Sweet and Low. Hot Girls, Dirty Jokes
- Hot chicks telling classic jokes can it get any...
eBaum's Picks