Parents Who Know How To Troll Their Kids
- Some people take a different approach to...
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27 Wildly Inappropriate Children's Books
- I think it's time to have a talk with Mom and Dad...
35 Stupid Things Adults Believed When They Were Kids
- When you're new to this world, you'll believe anything.
34 Times Kids Were Unintentionally Hilarious
- These kids are hilarious without even trying to be...
10 Successful Kids Who Will Inspire You
- Kids prove age is just a number by accomplishing more...
35 Things Kids of the 90s Will Understand
- People from the right era will fill with nostalgia...
13 Kids Who Said The Most Terrifying Things
- If you plan on sleeping tonight, maybe this isn't the...
Afghan Kids See Jenna Jameson in FHM
- British Royal Marines do their bit for Afghan/British...
Urban Kids Go on Their First Nature Hike. Here are...
- Nature is still pretty new to these kids.
Guy Leads Urban Kids on Hikes for a Living. These are...
- Funny words spoken by urban kids who aren't quite used...
9 Kids Who Got A Sex Ed Lesson At The Zoo
- Hey, a kid has to learn about hippo sex eventually,...
2-Year-Old Devastated About Newborn Sister
- Toddler throws mega-tantrum at discovery of baby...
20 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More embarrassing and funny post for us to laugh at!
Parents Who Win At Embarrassing Their Kids
- 25 Parents who are champions at embarrassing their...
17 Hilarious Lies Parents Tell Their Kids
- Sometimes the best way to raise your child is to lie...
25 Parents And Kids At The Same Age
- They could be clones!
20 Confessions of Crazy Things Adults Thought as Kids
- A collection of humorous confessions by adults from...
Kids These Days Will Never Understand
- How things were done before today's high-tech devices...
Teacher Completes Drawings Left On Students Assignments
- A teacher decided to enhance their drawings with some...
The Most Politically Correct Doll Ever
- SNL's "Asian-American Doll" pokes fun at how...
The Cutest Display Of Good Sportsmanship
- A member of the opposing team helps a downed player...
18 Crappy Toy Ripoffs To Ruin Your Kid's Christmas
- A collection of knockoff toys guaranteed to ruin your...
25 Special Things About Today's Generation
- Today's teens are totally out of control!
19 Kids' Doodles Come To Life
- Child's Own Studio takes kids' drawings and turns them...
16 Of The Darnedest Things Kids Wrote At School
- Leave it up to kids to tell it like it is.
Dad Can't Not Crack Up While Scolding Boys
- Kids playing with paint can result in some epic funny...
Parents Who Own Their Kids On Facebook
- 24 of the funniest burns from parents to their kids on...
Mom Makes Lunch Awesome For Her Kids
- This kick-ass mom transforms ordinary lunch bags into...
11 Babies Who Look Like Celebrities
- These babies can easily pass for celebrity...
How Kids Around The World Get To School
- A look into the amount of dedication some children...
Little Kid Steals The Show During The Weather Forecast
- A second grader owns it doing the weather on a Chicago...
22 Pictures That Prove Kids Are Psychopaths
- 22 Weird kids that will freak you out.
Judge Judy Owns Woman With 5 Kids
- Judge Judy lays the smackdown on this woman trying to...
Moms Confess What Their Kids Have Done
- Anonymous mothers wrote intimate secrets about their...
Pictures That Prove We're All Kids At Heart
- You're never too old to have fun.
Kid Smoking Experiment
- Stranger's reactions to a 9 year old trying to bum a...
Kid's Hilarious Reaction To Getting Cast Off
- The "So f**kin awesome" catches the doctor off guard. ...
The Most Adorable Children's Argument
- A passionate debate over whether it's sprinkling or...
29 Perfectly Timed Moments
- When it comes to a good photo, timing is everything.
Man Under Arrested Has Message For Kids
- He offers some words of wisdom at the most appropriate...
eBaum's Picks