Topless Activist Takes NYC
- To make it known that it's legal for a woman to go...
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Man Cites Law, Cops Back Down
- A guy carrying a gun in public gets stopped by cops,...
Cop Pepper Sprays Suspect and Chokes Him in Backseat
- excessive force much?
Clothesline A Criminal
- cop takes down a fleeing suspect like a boss
Shocking Experience At Walmart
- I should go to Walmart more often.
Thigs Not To Do In Court
- moron flips off the camera in Casey Anthony trial and...
Wendy's Dirty Secrets Exposed
- A man was fired for exposing the filthy and nasty...
Copper Stopper
- in a pinch a sturdy light pole will do just fine to...
Gov. Jan Brewer's Brain Freeze
- In a debate, Arizona's governor loses her train of...
Woman Excited to be on Local Cop Show
- Lady gets arrested on local version of cops called...
Ticketed for Parking in Driveway
- Just how cheap are the cops getting?
Muscle March
- This is actually a video game that is hitting the...
Son in law
- One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating...
Guy Owned By Judge Milian
- This law student is taught a lesson on the People's...
Contempt of Court
- A man was forced to take a day off from work to appear...
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