U.S. Army Confirms That It Will Bring Autonomous...
- The United States Army released a video last week of...
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6 Military Field Rations From Countries Around The...
- Some countries in this world really know how to feed...
Gut-Wrenching Footage From The Front Lines In The...
- On Thursday, October 27, militarized police attacked...
To Catch A Cheater: Military Guys
- A worried girlfriend puts her man to the test against...
Helicopter Fires on Ground Targets In Turkey
- Damn, that's too close for comfort!!
Magician's Winning Act On Britain's Got Talent
- A spectacular performance for the season finale.
A Frightening Look Into North Korea's Mysterious...
- There are many secrets held by the North Korean...
Actual Raid Footage Of El Chapo's Capture!
- Intense footage of the raid called "Operation Black...
Pilot Experiences 9G Centrifuge Training
- Remember squeeze the butt, squeeze the legs, breathe!
US & Korea Live Fire Military Exercise
- I'm kind of digging the soundtrack for WW3.
F35 Fires 181 Rounds In Seconds
- That's a LOT of bullets.
Naked Old Man Going To Get Some Hotdogs
- "Sir, your balls are hanging and it's freezing."
Military Vet Catches Wife Cheating On Him
- Cheating on your husband with your kids in the house?
15 American Celebrities You Never Knew Were In The...
- Your favorite celebrities-in-uniform, including their...
25 Hilarious "Dammit, Carl!" Memes
- Why do you have to be in our unit, Carl?
The Coolest Soldier in The Army
- Nearly shot? Eh, still got a job to do.
35 Military Girls For Memorial Day
- There's something sexy about a girl who could kick my...
Girl on Facebook Gets Owned for Her Military Comment
- She wanted to talk smack about the military and gets...
Vietnam Vet's Epic Response To Rioters
- Robert Valentine, a resident in Baltimore, isn't...
Fake Marine Veteran Gets Called Out
- This guy's B.S. story makes it obvious that something...
Comedian Perfectly Handles Military Heckler
- Deepak Sethi asks if there's anyone in the audience...
U.S. Navy Destroys A Drone With Lasers
- First successful, live-fire tests from the Navy's new...
Ferguson Protesters Burn American Flag In Front Of...
- These National Guardsmen do pick up pieces of the...
Fake Army Ranger Gets Called Out
- Veteran calls out fake Ranger trying to get Black...
The Best Way To Irritate A Sniper
- A young Polish soldier shows an infallible technique...
Firing Heavy Weapons In Slow Motion
- Everything from the Milkor Grenade Launcher to the...
Amry Vet Throws Awesome First Pitch
- Brian Keaton throws a grenade styled first pitch.
What The Government Is Doing Behind Closed Doors
- The scariest thing about terrorism is the lengths that...
B52 Bomber Dropping Its Payload
- A look at an ordinance drop from inside the "bomb-bay"
Little Pictures Big History
- 22 Interesting photos from the past.
Don't Challenge An Old Veteran To Push-Ups
- He's not even winded!
Military Homecoming Collection
- Heartwarming surprise homecomings from those who...
33 Pics Wishing You A Happy Memorial Day
- Remembering the brave men and women who fought and...
14 Creepy Abandoned Military Sites
- Some top secret!
The US Navy 116 Years Ago
- A brief look back in time, provided by Naval History...
A Barrage Of Russian Rockets
- An impressive yet terrifying military exercise...
First Person View Of I.E.D. Explosion
- US Marine helmet-cam view of IED going off beneath his...
An 8 Year Old Boy Pays It Forward
- An Ohio boy shows his gratitude to a soldier for his...
Military Dad In A Box Surprises Daughter
- Little girl's priceless reaction to military dad's...
J.F.K. Pissed Off Phone Call
- The President puts the Air Force on blast for over...
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