Chimpanzee Gets High as a Kite Off Dabs
- How do these stoners own an ape?
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Monkey Dressed Up as Baby Girl to Collect Money is...
- Some monkey dressed as a female child to collect...
22 Perfectly Timed Photos Of People Getting Owned
- Sometimes its all about timing.
Circus Monkey Cries After Seeing An Old Friend
- Long lost friends reunited at last.
A Skit From When Comedy Central Was Still Funny
- So a penguin takes his car to the mechanic . . .
Hilarious Little Monkey Is The Biggest Pimp You'll See...
- This little guy isn't taking guff from anyone.
Odd And Interesting Things You Don't See Everyday
- A fresh batch of kick ass pics for your enjoyment!
Crazy Indonesian Man Treats His Pet Monkey Like His...
- To be honest, she has better table manners than most...
Hilarious Monkey Has Ballsack For A Chin
- A rare specimen of the ballchinian Monkey was spotted...
Amazing Footage of an Orangutan Playing With Legos
- Seriously... who doesn't love playing with Legos?
Orangutans Grope Woman As She Poses For Pictures
- Can you really blame them?
Adorable Toddler Playing With Her New Best Friend
- I wish I had a pet monkey when I was a kid.
Sleepy Monkey Goes Ape Sh*t On Dude For Waking Him
- Cute monkey yells at jerk for waking him up.
Excited Monkey Gets Money To Buy His Favorite Drink
- And he wants his drink.
Monkey Goes Ape Shit Over Bananas
- "Gimme that damn banana"
17 Photos That Are Mildly Disturbing
- A fresh batch of W.T.F to give you that creeped out...
14 Pictures That Will Probably Ruin Your Day
- Images of people and things you'd rather not run into.
DMCA - Little Kid Tells Monkeys To F*ck Off
- This lil' dude isn't impressed with their rude...
Bizarre Carpool You'd Only See in Malaysia
- Well that was totally unexpected.
The Majestic Beasts Of The Office Safari
- Don't feed the animals. They brought their own lunch.
The Majestic Beasts Of The Office Safari
- Don't feed the animals. They brought their own lunch.
30 Unlikely But Real Animal Friendships
- The circle of life ain't got nothing on these animals.
17 Flowers Disguised As Something Else
- Orchids can often resemble a wide array of other...
Monkey Slaps TV Host During Show
- This is why you never work with children or animals...
Marmosets With Attitude
- 22 facts you never knew about marmosets.
Animals That Can't Keep Their Tongues In
- Either they can't keep their tongues in, or they're...
Monkey Poops On Zoo Visitors
- "You wan't a show, I'll give you a show!" Said the...
Simpsons Characters Facts and Details
- The supporting cast of one of the greatest shows of...
To 30 Selling Nintendo 64 Games
- A trip down memory lane combined with a video game...
Cute Kitten About To Pounce
- Wait for it... wait for it.... pew!
Major League Baseball - Team Values
- 2013 Forbes rated each MLB team and their current...
Adorable Monkey Grooms Cat
- I could watch this for hours. Warning: Cuteness...
MMA Fighter Quits Mid-Match
- Claudinei Angelo loses to Evilasio Silva, I'm guessing...
A Pull-Up Bar Showoff Fail
- Trying to look strong and impressive, this guy does...
Unusable Nature Film Narration
- A premiere nature documentary from 1992 with...
Monkey Buys Himself A Drink
- He uses a vending machine to get a drink, and even...
30 Unlikely Animal Friendships
- Amazing friendships forged between unusual pairs of...
Tightrope Balancing Monkey
- Seek the balance, young grasshoppa.
Kasey The Helper Monkey
- Ned Sullivan and his "helping hand", Kasey the Monkey.
Robinson vs. Hamilton Instagram Battle
- The Bulls playoff run isn't the only competition in...
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