DMCA - "Don't Swallow It!" Clueless Kid Swallows Ghost...
- Every kid can learn. Some kids just need a stronger...
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13 Future Darwin Award Winners
- Remember that time you forgot to think?
Camaro Driving Idiot Causes Big Accident
- An impatient jackass causes a multi-vehicle wreck on...
Drunken Idiot Catches Himself On Fire
- Guy jumps through a ring of fire and doesn't even come...
16 Stupid But True News Stories
- The news and the people it covers needs to work on...
The Biggest Douchebag On Vine
- Someone tell him he's white and he doesn't have a gun.
Don't Record And Drive!
- Woman filming her kids while driving gets in bad crash.
Furniture Store Loses Millions
- The Store promised refunds if Seahawks won, lost $7...
Genius Puts His Head Through A Table
- After his success, his friend flips him over and...
23 Examples of Bad Parenting
- Sometimes, people just shouldn't be allowed to have...
Idiots Playing With Guns
- This is a perfect demonstration of how not to handle a...
Guy Loses A Fight With A Tree
- A guy runs into a tree and knocks himself clean out..
Mom Tases 10 Year Old Daughter
- She wasn't happy with how her oatmeal was prepared...
Kimmel Asks People: When is Cinco de Mayo?
- Wow these people are clueless.
Attempted Robbery Fail
- Guy attempts to rob a smoke shop but gets a beatdown...
Cool Guy's Fence Jumping Tricks
- Fence wins this battle...
Naked Genius Locks Himself Out Of Room
- Embarrassing hotel fail!
Kid Falls Off Of 50 Foot Ski-Lift
- The cameraman's response: Duuuuuuudeeee!
Junkies Blocking Traffic Get Served
- Meanwhile in Lithuania, one guy gets the "rasta"...
Don't Drive On Thin Ice
- A genius loses his SUV when the ice underneath breaks...
Homemade Mechanical Bull Fail
- He's not a cowboy, maybe a rodeo clown?
Teens Arrested After He Posts "Driving Drunk" Facebook...
- Oregon teenage Jacob Cox explains what really...
How Not To Pet An Alligator
- A rookie alligator handler learns a painful lesson.
Idiot Tries To Jump A Sand Dune In FJ Cruiser
- I bet he immediately regrets that decision!
Jeep Jump 2x4 Nutshot
- The poor man's vasectomy!
Pumpkin Nutshot
- Then a ladder to the face!
Guy On Drugs Interrupts Football Game
- He gets laid out on the field, then carried away in...
Shotgun Hits Face
- Moron+shotgun=bloody nose!
Stupid People Own Guns Too
- Wait for it...
He Just F*cking Shot Himself!!!
- idiot shoots himself in the leg while trying to draw...
Thigs Not To Do In Court
- moron flips off the camera in Casey Anthony trial and...
Real Life GTA Fail
- there's no checkpoints in real life buddy...
Man Vs Baby Shark
- Always remember, safety first.
Bowling For Cyclists
- idiot driver plows through a bunch of bicyclists out...
Monster Truck Ends Up In Flames
- Get outta there Harold!
Flying Nutshot
- At least he won't be able to spread his genes.
Village Idiot Drops Tires on his Head
- Looks to be about 20 feet up. Please let the next...
Superhero Actually Stops Crime
- He's not like the usual moron who's watched too many...
Playground Concussion
- Nice one, dumbass.
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