Entitled Mother Demands Swim Teacher Give Her Kid...
- Anyone who has ever worked as a teacher knows how...
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Taylor Swift Fans Get Doxxed After Stalking Their...
- The parasocial relationship Taylor Swift fans have...
Mother Trips and Falls Three Times as Her Baby...
- @scottastronaut on Twitter said what we all were...
Mother of 12 Says People Want Her ‘Sterilized’ but...
- A mom of 12 says that she is constantly under fire on...
Widow Tells the Story of Her Murdered Husband with...
- I mean...I guess that's one way to get back at your...
Mom ‘Hoarding’ CDs Puts Ignorant Daughter in Her...
- I'm with the boomers on this one. Love to see it.
Mother Kicks Homeless Goldilocks Out of Her Son’s Bed
- Time to get a real guard dog, don't you think?
Dave Steps up and Changes Girl’s Life, Be a Dave Not...
- It's really not that hard to be kind to someone. I...
Ezra Miller Housing Mother and Children on Farm With...
- The mother claims that Miller is providing safety for...
Wife Prematurely Celebrates Husband’s Vasectomy
- Welp. Here we go again!
25 Trashiest Wedding Stories Ever Told
- Sometimes the most unforgettable weddings are the...
Reporter’s Mom Says ‘Hi’ during Broadcast, and...
- What happens when your mom knows where you work?...
Reporter’s Mom Says ‘Hi’ during Broadcast, and...
- What happens when your mom knows where you work?...
Dude Makes Solid Points About Updating 'MILF'...
- Settling the age-old debate: Do MILFs *have* to be...
25 Movies and Shows That Are A Complete Waste Of Time
- The holidays are nearly here. And that means time with...
25 Confessions People Needed to Get Off Their Chest
- Feeling bad about your life? Are you in need of a real...
20 Terrible Children Who Sabotaged Their Families
- Many parents assume having kids will bring them closer...
25 Surprisingly Dark Villains From Kids Shows and...
- In TV shows and movies made for kids, most characters...
34 Memes for Parents Who Just Need a Night Out
- Whether you're a parent in training or a well-seasoned...
Alcoholic Streamer Mom Abuses Boyfriends and Daughter,...
- This is beyond friggin sad. Heartbreaking actually.
Definitive Dad Bods and Dump Trucks of the Pixar...
- What is the internet most known for? Easy. Sexualizing...
49 Relatable Memes About Life as a Parent
- In honor of Mother's Day, give the gift of laughter.
10 Forgotten NES RPG Classics
- Some of the most beloved games of all time are...
10 Forgotten NES RPG Classics
- Some of the most beloved games of all time are...
Bag Snatcher Failed to Account for Granny's Wrestling...
- Old lady shrugged it off like it was nothing.
Wayback WHENsday: Baby-Crazed Teen Has 5 Kids Today
- The O.G. teen mom made her dreams a reality.
25 Moms Who Are Too Clever for Their Own Good
- They know how to bring the jokes.
Bridal Shop Employees Dish on the Biggest Bridezillas...
- Weddings can be a pretty stressful affair, but that...
Mother-In-Law Interrupts Brides Vows to Say Her Son...
- This hilarious clip comes to us from San Jose,...
Woman Pulls Gun on Mother and Daughter for Messing...
- Tensions escalated after a woman accidentally bumped...
Dads Reveal Their Best "Don't Tell Mom" Moments
- Mom makes the rules, Dad helps you break them.
Idaho Mother Arrested For Refusing To Leave Closed...
- A Meridian mother was arrested and charged with...
Fierce Mama Squirrel Doesn't Hold Back when a Cobra...
- When the kids are involved, moms usually let out the...
Entitled Woman Demands Friend Buy Her Daughter More...
- Regular air pods just wont do for her daughter.
Entitled Mother Demands She Only Pay $150 for a $1,300...
- This entitled mother thought she was owed this PC for...
Mom Absolutely Mortified After Discovering Her...
- If there’s a lesson to be learned here, it’s to...
Kid Refuses to Stop Playing His Video Game to Use the...
- Mafia 3 is not good enough to sh*t yourself over dude.
Kid With Brass B***s Kicks Car That Struck His Mother
- A mother and son were knocked over by a car at a...
Raging Mom Confronts Son's Bully
- As tempting as it might be to deal with your kids'...
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