Dude Turns Motorcycle into Fireworks Launcher
- Despite my concerns, I have to admit: It looks goddamn...
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This Motorcycle Swing Set Looks Dangerously Fun
- Every motorcycle rider has to have a little bit of an...
26 Biker Memes to Lane-Split Your Way to Laughter
- If you know you know: There's nothing more freeing...
Biker Has an Unfortunate Accident With Million to One...
- With little to no time to react, the biker ends up...
'Enjoy the Broken Ankle': Karen Attempts to Stop...
- Foot vs. motorcycle has never ended well for foot.
Entitled Biker Ignores Parade Barricade Almost Kills...
- This motorcyclist refused to take an alternate route...
Idiot Biker Forgets That Cars Move Too, Gets Clipped
- In this video, a motorcyclist who was weaving through...
Dirt Bikers Repeatedly Eat S**t Trying to Climb...
- Watch rider after rider fail in hilariously epic...
23 Useful Facts That Might Save You in a Pinch
- Most of the time, internet facts are like trivia....
Douchebag Nails Learning Biker, Checks His Car First
- An idiot driver rams into a learning biker, sending...
People Can't Not Crash At Random Corner
- Wait For The Last One
150 Mph Chase Ends Up with a Firefighter at Gunpoint
- After clocking a biker at 122 mph in a 65 mph zone,...
Chariot Racing With Motorcycles Was Just as Crazy and...
- At the 1933 Police and Fireman's Festival in...
Impatient Biker Gets an Asphalt Sandwich after Weaving...
- Even in places where lane splitting is legal, it's not...
Wild Cops Tail Armed Robbers Through a Public Park,...
- In this wild clip we see Norwegian Police giving...
30 Helmets That Deserve a Spot in the Louvre
- I don't know where this trope came from about helmets...
25 Things Drunk Me Did That Sober Me Would Never Think...
- We normally associate being drunk with making bad...
Speeding Motorcycle Slams Into The Back of A Truck
- This dashcam footage is from Salisbury, Queensland....
Guy Crashes His Brand New Motorcycle Trying to Showoff...
- Guy showing off on his new motorcycle, wipes out on a...
Biker Flips after His Motorcycle Crashes into an SUV
- A great example of why riders should always wear...
Airman Leads Cops on 180 MPH Chase on His Motorcycle...
- Oh your Airforce career is on the line? Should've...
Officer Demonstrates How Easy It Is to Miss Seeing a...
- This demonstration shows just how easy it can be to...
Cheating Wife Gets Served Divorce Papers by Random...
- The husband caught her cheating the week before, and...
Man on Dirt-Bike Crosses an Arched Bridge The Hard Way
- A man with a deathwish crossed this arch bridge over...
Motorcycle Cop on an Intense Chase Through Tight...
- Who the hell is he chasing, Jason Bourne? I would have...
The Laws of Physics Give a Road-Raging Biker a Taste...
- Physics can be such a heartless b*tch sometimes.
Motorcycle Backfire Mistaken For Active Shooter...
- A backfiring motorcycle caused a brief panic in NYC's...
Biker Gets Conned by Hot Chick Who Tries to Steal His...
- He should have known better... might wanna wash that...
Car Cuts Off Motorcycle, Gets Instant Karma
- That driver cashed in their Karma bucks quick, fast,...
Check Out The Crazy Tension Change of a Drag Bike Chain
- Doug Gall 6.99 @ 211 GoPro
Motorcycle Crash Ends in the Coolest Way Possible
- Hard to be mad at this f**kup.
Insane Man Pulls Off Some Wild Motorcycle Tricks in...
- Man with a death wish and a lack of shame decides to...
Japanese Motorcycle Racer Surfs on His Bike after a...
- Tetsuta Nagashima manages to get off of the track and...
Biker Rides on Frozen Lake and Falls Through the Ice
- This guy was lucky he didn't go in with the bike!
Video Shows Driver Fleeing After Smashing into...
- A driver in Mobile, Alabama, crashed into a motorcycle...
London Police Unleash Their New 'Hit Squad' Unit to...
- Police in London have been given the go-ahead to ram...
Dude Stands on Speeding Bike to Slam a Beer
- Risky road behavior at its finest.
Crazy Guy Base Jumps His Motocross Bike off World's...
- This is helmet cam video of a guy jumping in...
Motorcyclist Crashes into Overpass Barrier at Nearly...
- A motorcycle rider crashed into a barricade on an...
Bird Obliterated as it Causes Major Crash During Grand...
- Two birds cause havoc during the Phillip Island Grand...
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