32 Reactions to the Five-Year Anniversary of COVID
- Five years since the glory days of basement dwellers.
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Everyone Is Reflecting on All the Stupid Shit They Did...
- "Ratatouille the Musical" was not a product of sanity.
20 Celebs Who Gave Us Cringey Content during the...
- March 2020 was a strange time for sure. Let's take a...
Thanks to TikTok Teens Are Self-Diagnosing Themselves...
- If you use TikTok at all, it's probably as a simple...
Why All Our Gifts Are Delayed
- You may wind up getting a PS6 instead of a PS5 by the...
Fortnite’s Imposters Mode and How Among Us Changed...
- Fortnite keeps expanding in new ways, and this leads...
Seth Rogen Calls Out Hollywood's Pandemic Hypocrisy
- "There's way too many of us in a small room."
‘Last Man Down’ Trailer Is Here, and Do We Really...
- We don't need to do this. Nobody needs virus/pandemic...
How Discord Changed More Than Just the Way We Game
- Most who play online games have at least dabbled in...
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Gamers
- The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most...
Since West Virginia's COVID Vaccine Prize Is a Gun, We...
- Every state's COVID-19 vaccination prizes (in...
Extra Gum Apparently Can't Wait to Have Orgies Again
- There's a lot of things we all look forward to about a...
36 Miserable Memes About the Year of Quarantines
- Has it really been a year?
30 Things the Pandemic Ruined
- Remember Mardi Gras?
After Predicting Pandemic, Bill Gates Discusses Next...
- Bill Gates had a startlingly prescient prediction...
Guy's Custom-Made Gaming Sanctuary is the Perfect...
- With a massive collection of both consoles and...
China Using New 'Anal Swab' Method for Coronavirus...
- China boldly going where no Doctor wants to go...
South Park's Pandemic Special - Official Trailer
- The pandemic comes to South Park in a new one-hour...
CNBC Host Shocked When Chamath Palihapitiya Says "Who...
- Former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya said...
Inside Edition "Sting" Finds Sheets Weren’t Changed...
- With the vital need for enhanced cleaning and...
Sheriff in Washington State Denounces Masks and Rounds...
- Too "proud" and "brave" to wear a piece of cloth, no...
Dude Steps In After Rude Karen Tries Stealing TP From...
- I definitely don't miss the "TP hoarding" phase we...
Couple Advertises "Post Pandemic Orgy" and Horny Folks...
- It's always horny in Philadelphia.
Twitter Reacts to Greasy Frog Jeff Bezos Preparing to...
- Being insanely rich while others are out of work isn't...
26 Cruel Messages From Greedy Landlords
- Not all landlords are created equal. While some have...
Aussie Store Manager Has Best Response to Hoarder...
- This selfish jerk went and bought up 150 32-packs of...
Florida Governor Declares WWE "Essential"
- If that isn't just the most Florida thing ever.
Comedian Explains the Pandemic to Her Past Self
- Okay, this was actually pretty good.
Trump vs. Trump on Coronavirus
- What a difference a few weeks can make.
Anonymous Sends a Message to Bill Gates
- With everything going on in the world, I almost forgot...
Desperate, Hungry Italians Are Threatening Revolution
- Italy has been hit especially hard by the outbreak of...
John Oliver's Latest Coronavirus Update Has Us Asking...
- Honestly, this whole thing is just getting way out of...
Doctor in NYC Gives Sneak Peek of Overwhelmed...
- As an ER doc in Elmhurst, Queens, Dr. Colleen Smith is...
9-Month-Old PBS Segment is Truly Unsettling to Watch...
- This segment even features an appearance by the...
Man Dies After Eating Chloroquine Phosphate to Stop...
- A desperate man ingested a toxic chemical used to...
Chicago Man Coughed in Cops’ Faces and Said He Had...
- He doesn't have COVID-19 but he's still very sick
Disabled Dude with Weak Immune System Has Hilarious...
- Seriously, don't be an idiot. Stay home, paint your...
Coronavirus vs. Every 2000s Epidemic Fatality...
- Stay safe folks. Stay inside. Wear a mask or...
KFC Orders Managers To Reopen Lobbies During Pandemic
- Sure there's a viral outbreak flooding the country,...
Italian Hospital Hit Hardest by COVID-19 Has a Dire...
- Italian medical professionals are urging the world to...
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