Top Protest Signs of the Year
- Nothing brings that tear to my eye like anal...
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Climate Scientist in Copenhagen Has Heart Attack on...
- Panelist has a massive heart attack recorded live on...
Are You Listening OBAMA!?
- Lady Gaga turns into a political activist for gay...
This Is My Town Hall Meeting. I Set the Rules!!
- Its a good thing he is not representative of the...
This is What Discussing Politics on Ebaumsworld is Like
- And this is why he can't have nice things. I like his...
Pentagon Reports Army Mascot 'Liberty' Killed in Iraq
- Appointed by Bush in 2003 to distract from the horrors...
Drunken Anderson Cooper
- Anderson Cooper drunk.
Happy Thanksgiving from Sarah Palin
- Sarah Palin does an interview in front of turkeys...
Michael Mukasey Collapses
- Attorney General Michael Mukasey collapses during a...
Joe Scarborough F-Bomb
- Joe Scarborough of MSNBC drops the F-bomb then fails...
Sarah Palin Gets Pranked
- Canadian comedy duo convinces Governor Sarah Palin she...
Obama Word Association
- This is a hilarious edit.
John McCain Farts
- Here is the real reason John McCain was making all...
Presidential Dance Off
- This is definitely a better way of deciding the leader...
Palin and the Pope
- Sarah Palin is invited to meet with the Pope while he...
Ohio Resident Hangs an Obama Effigy
- This guy displays his political views in an unusual...
Dumb Voters
- Howard Stern asked some potential voters in Harlem if...
Sarah Palin Sex Tape
- Here is the recently leaked Sarah Palin sex tape - now...
McCain is Palin's Bitch
- Sarah Palin definitely wears the pants in that...
Sarah Palin's Interview
- Here is just a small sample of Sarah Palin's most...
Political Humor
- Some funny political parodies, to get you in the...
Sarah Palin's Convention Speech - Edited
- Sarah Palin's real speech has finally been released to...
Political Movie Parodies
- Some great movies, if they starred politicians.
Politicians or Muppets
- You decide 2008!
Georgian President Eats His Tie?!?!
- I know it must be stressful for him right now, but can...
Obama VS Hecklers
Bush or Batman
- People on street were asked whether the quote they...
Young Hillary Clinton
- She hasn't changed much.
Fox News On Obama
- Wow, this is a new low.
Reagan Girl
- It looks like Obama Girl was a ripoff of this.
Obama Caricature
- Sculpture/caricature of Barack Obama.
Obama T-Shirts
- Racism or just lookalike?
Obama Def Comedy Jam
- "That bitch got eyes like the Geico lizard"
The Empire Strikes Barack
- Hilarious Star Wars parody staring Barack Obama and...
Obama Assassination
- This KKK leader claims Barack Obama will be...
Obama Flips The Bird
- Is Obama flipping off Hillary in this video?
Dramatic Obama
- Obama responds dramatically to a question.
- .
538 people decided our fate
- 300 million had no say in the matter and their vote...
Ashcroft VS Obama
- John Ashcroft "accidentally" calls Obama Osama.
eBaum's Picks