President Teddy Roosevelt’s Insane Legacy, As Told...
- No Bull (Moose) Photos of the iconic POTUS.
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100 Pictures of Former President Jimmy Carter to...
- Here's to 100!
36 Kamala For President Memes That Are Just Morbius 2.0
- It's Morbin' time in the White House.
26 Fascinating Photos of US Presidents 'Off Duty'
- The president can't be the president all the time, and...
Woman Celebrates President’s Day By Slapping Every...
- After decades of mattress sales, clothing...
Trump Embarrasses Himself after Hyping up His...
- On Wednesday Donald Trump baited a major announcement...
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard Colorized Footage Is...
- Updated, amazing footage that has been colorized of...
20 Facts about Former President Donald Trump
- Almost everyone in the United States knows the name...
22 Best Mustaches of All Time
- Here it is. The definitive list. The best mustaches in...
25 Once-Respected Jobs That Became Complete Jokes
- Everyone wants to be respected. And since we spend so...
Local News Airs Pic of Biden in Place of Accused Child...
- WTAE, a Pittsburgh-based news station recently aired a...
Trump’s Tweets Were Tumultuous at Best, but Do We...
- On January 8, Twitter banned Donald Trump. They had...
The Time JFK Ripped an Air Force General a New One...
- A recording of a phone call between President Kennedy...
Press Secretary Assures America About Size of...
- Make of that what you will, we certainly did.
25 Final Jokes at Donald Trump as Joe Biden Is Sworn In
- Thankfully, no one said "You're fired."
Tiffany Trump Got Engaged Today and Everyone Dumped on...
- Tiffany, we hardly knew ya.
The Internet Reacts to Ivanka Refusing To Let The...
- The agents were instructed not to use any of the...
11 Best Conspiracy Theories on How Trump Will Stay in...
- The movie "Conspiracy Theory" looks cute compared to...
Zuckerberg Gets Roasted by Both Left and Right for...
- "Go Zuck yourself!"
Chinese President Xi Jinping Forces Game off Market,...
- Why are gamers letting this jackass ruin their fun?
Large Batch of Relevant Pics and Memes
- Life comes at you fast, and memes are the best way...
Donald Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19 and Twitter...
- We'll be hearing these jokes for the rest of the year.
Democrats Are Depressed Because Joe Biden Picked...
- The cop has logged on.
Trump Discovers New Way to Pronounce "Yosemite"...
- He says it twice just to make sure.
Lady Pulls a Ron Swanson by Replacing PTA With Her Own...
- Ron Swanson would thoroughly approve.
Karen Quickly Goes from Queen of the HOA to Convicted...
- Mmmm, taste the comeuppance!
Trump Brags About Passing Basic Cognitive Assessment
- President Trump in a recent interview with Fox New's...
Kanye West Ended His Presidential Run in 11 Days, So...
- Whelp, it was dumb while it lasted.
Chance The Rapper Asks Twitter Why Biden Would Be...
- Will you be voting for Kanye West this November?
KW Miller Has the Funniest Twitter Account of All Time...
- Amazing how someone this dumb can even stay alive for...
Presidential Candidate Kanye West Ditches Trump and...
- Hopefully the historians will just skip over this part...
19 Reactions to Kanye's Presidential Run That Show How...
- Kanye can't even take himself seriously so no one else...
Conspiracy about 75-Y/O Buffalo Protester Is Too Funny...
- Somehow a feeble old man had a master plan to hack...
President Trump Gives Details On #ObamaGate
- Trump is the President for all of us who did a book...
Trump vs. Trump on Coronavirus
- What a difference a few weeks can make.
Timeline of Donald Trump Downplaying Coronavirus
- Boy, that escalated quickly.
Meghan McCain Wants to Show Trump a Thing or Two About...
- Trump's coronavirus speech drew a lot of reactions...
President Trump's Coronavirus Address Accidentally...
- We can't actually confirm it, but we're willing to bet...
President Trump's Trick-or-Treat Fail is Definitely...
- Just put the candy in the bag, Donald.
Trump Reportedly Asked Aides to Look into Pricing for...
- Political affiliations be damned - this is just...
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