An Extreme Case Of Dual Road Rage
- Two angry drivers go at it on the icy streets.
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Road Rage Video Taken Down by YouTube
- If you're going to threaten someone be ready to back...
Longboarder Skates Off Cliff
- Don't worry, he walked away with just a few minor...
Tailgater Gets a Dose of Instant Karma
- When a brake check works waaaaay better than expected.
Guy Gets Launched While Crossing The Road
- That's not a crosswalk dude.
DMCA - Road Rager Gets Some Instant Karma
- Watch your head!
Road Raging Maniac Goes Off On Another Driver
- Some people just shouldn't be allowed on the road!
Two Texas Pussies Pull A Gun On A Biker
- Some good ol' Texas boys get their panties an a knot.
Most Expensive Thing Ever Found On Antiques Roadshow
- Well, I guess he won't have to rely on social security.
Road Rage Ends Exactly As You'd Expect
- I wouldn't recommend messing with a pissed of Russian...
Biker Instantly Regrets His Road Rage
- Hopefully that'll be the last time he takes his anger...
Douchebag in BMW Cuts Off Ambulance Multiple Times...
- Guy practically begged for that visit from the cops he...
Cop Runs Biker Off The Road
- What happens when a fat cop runs a fat biker off the...
Road Raging Driver Gets Instant Karma
- An angry driver chases a cyclist on foot and wipes out...
Road Raging Biker Gets Instant Karma
- An angry biker gets more than he bargained for when...
Interview Interupted by Road Rage Incident
- A news interview with a police officer is interrupted...
Conan Takes Fury Road To Comic-Con
- Conan heads to San Diego, Mad Max style.
16 Random Pics to Make You Smile
- Don't quit now! The internet isn't finished yet!
Road Rage Idiot Gets Instant Karma
- Guy has a road rage frenzy on the freeway, and gets...
Terrifying Road Rage Incident Captured On Camera
- An angry driver confronts a teen who left the scene of...
Biker's Swift Justice For Reckless Driver
- Instant karma is served via headbutt!
Terrifying Experiments From Mad Scientists
- It turns out the whole "mad-scientist" thing may not...
This Driver Is A F--king Idiot
- This genius is blocking a fire truck and just sits...
Extremely Angry Soccer Mom
- Crazy mom road-rages with her kid in the front seat.
The "Shallow Block" Barricade Is Extremely Effective
- This thing doesn't just stop un-authorized vehicles,...
Road Rage Victims Attacked by Trucker Lead To Arrest
- The victims memorized the license plate and led...
What Bikers Found in This Crate is Truly Unfathomable
- Bikers stop to check out a crate by the side of the...
Road-Rage Psycho Dad Punches Out Window
- The driver was asking for it when he said "is that...
Crazy Woman's Road Rage Terrorizes Child
- A road-rager attacks another vehicle terrifying a...
Hilarious English Road Rage
- Guy films his commutes and provides some colorful...
Conan's Hilarious "Sons Of Anarchy" Tribute
- Conan joins the gang to prepare for their first group...
Extreme Road Rage In Parking Garage
- Guy crashes into another vehicle over a parking spot!
Asian Road Rage Escalates Quickly
- Two stubborn angry drivers put on a quite a spectacle...
Swerving Driver Causes A 3-Car Accident
- Not sure if the driver was drunk, high or just falling...
Tough Guy's Failed Road Rage
- An unexpected occupant changes this tough guy's mind...
Russian Road Rage Surprise
- A scuffle breaks out that includes some unexpected...
The Ultimate Expedition RV
- Meet the worlds most extravagant off-road truck:...
21 Things We Miss About The 90's
- Take a nostalgic walk down memory lane.
Road Rage Turns Into Instant Karma
- A Russian dashcam shows how one driver turned his road...
Crane Operator Destroys Ice Cream Truck
- Never mess with a crane operator!
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