Skater Falls Off Bridge
- Skater tries to 50-50 a bridge, and predictably falls...
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Rodney Mullen Invents New Skateboard Tricks
- The inventor of the kickflip is still going strong!
Dad Kicks Son Off Skate Ramp
- WARNING: The subject matter of this clip contains...
Ice Skating Faceplant
- This guy tries to pull a smooth move but ends up...
Skater Falls Into Death Pit
- Professional skater Willy Akers gets eaten alive.
Skateboarding Like You've Never Seen Before
- Jason Park: Forever my Home
Garrett Hill's Coffee Slam is Still One of the Best...
- Got the coffaayysss!
Olympic Speed Skating: Mario Kart Edition
- Power ups, bananas, bombs, and those pesky turtle...
Raw Skateboard Trick Footage
- Brandon Westgate showing his passion and creativity...
Talented Skateboarding Super Cat
- Here is the world's best skateboarding cat!
Helicopter Skates Across Iced Over Lake
- Possibly the most fun you can have with a helicopter...
Not Your "Average" Skateboarding Video
- Gou Miyagi out of Japan showing us that skating has no...
Two Skater Girls Mid-Air Collision
- Lizzie and Allysha smack into each other while skating...
Five Year Old Skateboarder From Peru
- Kid can skate! The board is bigger than him.
Tomas Hertl Scores Between The Legs Goal
- The 19 year old Sharks player scored his 4th goal of...
Skate Park Scooter Flip Fail
- A young kid tries to show off on his scooter.
20 Backflip Wins & Fails
- People doing backflips in .GIF format! Some succeed,...
First Ever 1620 On Rollerblades
- An amazing jump by a young skater Wake Schepmen at...
Dash - The Real Skateboarding Dog
- Watch Dash cruise around the skatepark and bust out a...
Skateboard To Skateboard Backflip Transfer
- An acrobatic display of talent!
Riley Hawk aka Tony Hawk's Kid
- And may we never call him Tony Hawk's kid again.
Skater Racks Himself Then Faceplants
- The old fashioned 2 for 1 fail special!
23 Gifs of People Who Screwed up Big Time
- Some extremely painful and epic fails, presented in...
Ice Skater Has A Brutal Faceplant
- A seemingly simple jump ends up with a rough landing!
Dad Takes Disabled Son to The Skate Park
- A true testement of a father's love.
Crazy Lady Hates Skateboarding
- They won't be skating there anymore
These People Are Awesome
- People doing things human beings should not be able to...
Tony Hawk Still Has It At 44 Years Old
- Tony hawk shows that he can still skate with the best.
A Short Skate Film
- A young skater pulls off some impressive moves!
Skateboarder Suffers Horrific Injury
- Warning: Not for the squeamish.
Nollie 540 Hardflip DoubleFootplant
- They should rename this move to "yeaaaaah buddy"...
2012 Was A Good Year For Extreme Sports
- Extreme sports are awesome, people are awesome, 2012...
Hockey Player Suffers Devastating Check
- World Junior Ice Hockey Championship between Canada...
- A remote controlled helicopter and a skateboarder...
Skater Gets Hit In the Face By Own Board
- Where's your head at, bro?
BMX Skate Park Tailwhip Faceplant
- This variation is called the "FailWhip"...
Skater Trick Fail
- Talk about shin-splints!
Another Fight At The Skatepark
- Apparently having the same wheels can lead to serious...
- Skating through the streets of East Los Angeles...an...
Street Luge Bail
- At 68 mph!
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