Fan Attacks Player
- You better not celebrate anywhere in this guy's...
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Penalty Kick Showboat Fail
- Well....it almost worked!
Soccer Fan Takes Bottle To The Face!
- So that's how the Germans treat their fans huh?
Drunk Tries Indoor Soccer
- This wasted guy can't seem to keep on his feet during...
Soccer Commentator's Epic Fail
- TV commentator looks like an idiot when he's caught...
Dad Messes Up Kid Showing Off
- Looks like someone's been hitting the bottle a little...
Goalie Breaks Arm
- Goalie breaks his arm on a fake penalty kick
Wind Scores Own Goal
- stupid goalie
When Good Sportsmanship Goes Too Far
- I thought Iran was full of jerks...they seem pretty...
Soccer Bite
- Did He Just Celebrate By Biting His...?
Soccer Referee Goes Into Coma
- A fatal shot straight to the ref's dome.
Probably The Best Soccer Ball Juggler Ever
- i don't know what they're saying but i sure don't care
Goalie Scores On Himself
- some how he loses sight of the ball and just kicks it...
Cheerleader Takes Brutal Soccerball to the Face
- That's a goal as far as I'm concerned.
France Cheats their way to the World Cup
- French Soccer player Thierry Henry, blatantly...
Show Off Goalie Gets Owned
- Next time I don't think he'll be so cocky, if there is...
Soccer Teakwondo Kick
- so the guy double kicks the other guy in the air, then...
Fan Brushing His Teeth at a Soccer Game
- ya know just in case he starts a conversation with a...
Girls vs Girl Soccer Fight
- Girls fight, hair pull, throw elbows each other at...
Soccer Player Mistakes Head for Ball
- A good kick to the head
Soccer Pansies
- Not only do they play soccer, they cheat at playing...
Best Soccer Player You've Ever Seen!
- This guy is amazingly accurate!
Soccer Bear
- damn it, I was hoping the bear ate one of em
Hilarious Soccer Fan
- Dude gives John Terry one last chance to quit Chelsea...
The Luckiest Soccer Flag in the World
- I want to believe in reincarnation, because maybe if...
Flying Kick To The Face...
- ...says it all
Girl Owned by Soccer Ball
- I guess next time she'll wear a helmet.
Such A Faker
- Pretending To Be Straight.
Guy In Dragon Costume Does Tricks
- Real Or Fake? What Do You Think?
WayBack WHENsday: Fat Kid Ice Cream Make Up
- Classic: Fat kid covers his face with ice cream at a...
Celebration Fail
- guys celebrate... one ends up with stitches.
Soccer Player Has Heart Attack
- And Is revived News Clip
Nasty Leg Break
- that is just gross!
Dirty Pepe
- The Bitter Soccer Player.
Showoff Fail
- yeah my moves are so sweet... umphh..
Crazy Sports Moments When Fans Gets Involved
- Gotta love the fans.
Gruff Plays Soccer Too!
- Gets the tail shaking and everything.
Russian Soccer Fight!
- This looks like a setup for a medieval battle!
Covered With Beer
- This soccer fan's celebration ends with a beer...
eBaum's Picks