Girlfriend Pulls Off Ultimate Revenge Prank
- Jay quickly discovers the downside of being in a prank...
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Spider Hides In Car Door Handle
- I don't think I'll ever open a car door again!
Remote-Controlled Giant Spider Attack
- Using a giant remote controlled spider in for a...
Remote-Controlled Giant Spider Attack
- Using a giant remote controlled spider in for a...
Woman Freaks Out Over Fake Spider Trick
- "I told you NOT to do that!" She screams.
Mutant Giant Spider Dog Prank!
- Guy dresses his dog up as a giant spider and scares...
Spider Videobombs News Broadcast
- A big spider makes an appearance during BBC Scotlands...
What If All The Spiders Disappeared?
- Find out the amazing benefits spiders provide for the...
Under Water Spider Eats A Shrimp
- This spider uses air bubbles underwater to eat and...
Man Afraid Of Spiders Forced To Deal With One
- His wife is definitely enjoying the show.
Kids Meet Spiderman In Real Life
- These little kids aren't afraid to help Spiderman lay...
Guy Makes Spider Man Web Slinger
- This is the Spider Man 'webslinger' built by Patrick...
This Spider Doesn't Look Real
- He's even got a cartoon face!
Guy Provokes A Huntsman spider
- An Australian man gets bitten while showing us "his"...
Hilarious Reaction To Spider App Prank
- The spider magically appears on this guy's hand and...
27 Of The Coolest Jobs Ever
- Being Katy Perrys Designated Breast Adjuster Sounds...
Jumping Spider Likes Lasers
- This spider chases a laser-pointer like a dog or cat!
- The adventures of Larry the spider!
Amazing Macro Photography
- Some really cool close up pictures of our...
Macro Insect Photography
- Up-close and personal photographs of various...
Guy Tries To Kill A Spider While Bathing
- That scream is the sound of sheer terror.
Pug vs. Spider
- A remote controlled spider battles a pug.
Spider Army vs Queen Bee
- These are the things nightmares are made of...
Funny Animal Mating Rituals
- An inside look at the colorful world of animal...
Alien Spider Worm - W.T.F.
- Gigantic flying spaghetti monster crawling out of a...
Guy Finds Spider, Reacts Logically
- This man is what's known as a "man child." They are...
31 Knowledge Nuggets
- Random facts to chew on...
Little Girl Scared By Falling Spider Prop
- We've all been this kid before...
Guy Eats Spider
- Strange guy finds spider on his desk, and eats him!
Huge Jumping Spider (Hyllus Diardi)
Spider Yelling
- Whoa!!!
This Spider Wouldn't Leave...
- So I sent him to another dimension
Wheel of Fortune Fail
- HOW could you get this wrong?
Spider Prank
- He's calling the police
Wolf Spider Explosion
- release the zerg horde
Anchorwoman Freaks Out Over Spider
- Wait for it.
World's Scariest Spiders
- An obviously-incomplete collection of freaky arachnids...
Brown Recluse and Black Widow on Hand at the Same Time
- Spiders don't bite out of spite!
Spider Saran Wrap Prank
- The poor guy will probably never use a public restroom...
Swallowing a Spider
- What else are you going to do today?
eBaum's Picks