The 25 Funniest Musings from r/Teenagers
- The subreddit r/Teenagers may be one of the most...
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21 Grown Adults Hollywood Thought We'd Believe Were...
- "Age is just a number!" — the casting agents...
25 Pieces of Advice We Wish We Could Give Our Teenage...
- They say hindsight is always 20/20. And that's...
Male Karen Throws Smoothie at Teen Workers, Ruins His...
- The man, who has been identified as Jim Iannazzo, a...
20 Terrible Children Who Sabotaged Their Families
- Many parents assume having kids will bring them closer...
23 Awkward Phase Photos That Are beyond Cringeworthy
- Listen, I once had long red hair that I may or may not...
Homeless Kids in 1970 New York Had Awful Lives
- Man, that is sad.
Trump Supporter Pulls Gun on a Group of Teen Girls
- The suspect, 37-year-old Joshua Lockner, was charged...
2-Year-Old Hugs Pizza Delivery Driver, Not Knowing he...
- This sweet video proves that sometimes in life things...
Cringey Music Video Features Several Teenage Girls...
- Congrats to MattyB for the nearly 200 million views on...
Racist Lady Screaming At Teenagers For No Reason
- “It seems to be one race that is breaking the rules...
High Tech Teens Find Ingenious Way to Beat Arcade Game
- These dudes have a clever way of scoring mega tickets.
Home Invaders Firing Guns at Teenagers is Straight out...
- Cops are still looking for suspects from the...
Youtuber Exposes The Absolute Cringfest That Is...
- I’m so glad I grew up before my cringe was recorded...
Family Sues For 1 Million Dollars After Police Break...
- Kinda looked like he did it intentionally!
Murder Suspect Snitches On His Friend To Live News...
- This 16 year old didn't having any problem admitting...
25 Special Things About Today's Generation
- Today's teens are totally out of control!
18 Celebrities Who Were Awkward Teens
- These photos prove that celebrities were as awkward as...
Teen Chase Kidnapper On Their Bikes
- Tenagers followed a suspected kidnapper and rescued a...
Be Careful Who You Throw Snowballs At
- Firemen gets revenge on some pesky teenagers!
Teenagers Getting High Off Nutmeg
- A common household spice is now being abused by...
Mad at MTV - JV's World
- With things in the housing economy as tough as they...
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